Bank management in turbulent times

A look at the challenges regional banks will be facing in 2024
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Leaving the comfort zone – how asset managers can stay on the winning path

European Asset Management Study 2023
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European giants - A look at what makes the largest insurers so successful

European Insurance Study 2023
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Digital euro: a payment revolution? 

Perspectives, design concept and impact on the industry
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Diversity has many facets.

Our world is diverse. But only when we let this diversity become a matter of course can it unfold its full power.
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Here you will find current information on interesting publications, events, press releases, interviews and more ...

The 7th MaRisk amendment
A balancing act of regulation: Artificial intelligence in banks and insurance companies.
Economic forecasts in times of highest uncertainty
Help - Sustainability Reporting
WebID Solutions
Innovations that will revolutionize the financial services industry
What does a bank need to do to become sustainable?
What does a bank need to do to become sustainable?
The risk-bearing capacity of banks
What do blockchain, crypto and accounting have in common?
When is a bank ready for change and transformation?
A bank defies the war
Claims management at insurers
End of an era
MaRisk amendment
Digital assets and the future of the financial industry
Financing sustainable growth This is how brokerage infrastructure works today
Consent made easy: our response to the BGH verdict
Regional banks and the market for wealthy customers
How do regional banks remain profitable?
Inflation is here to stay
The digital euro
A banking transaction is still something intimate
Why we also advise outside of consulting
Dream job as a consultant
Digital. Sustainable. Platform
Investing must be easy
A consultancy as incubator: The example of zeb.applied
The bank as a solution provider with respect to housing
Financial Planing in an agile world

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zeb.Podcast series "Sound of Finance"

Our Financial Services Know-how as podcast

What does a bank need to do to become sustainable?
What does a bank need to do to become sustainable?
The risk-bearing capacity of banks
Do consultants need an "I-brand" on social media?
What do blockchain, crypto and accounting have in common?
When is a bank ready for change and transformation?
A bank defies the war
Claims management at insurers
End of an era
MaRisk amendment
Digital assets and the future of the financial industry
Financing sustainable growth
Back to the future: 30 years of zeb consulting This is how brokerage infrastructure works today
Consent made easy: our response to the BGH verdict
Regional banks and the market for wealthy customers
How do regional banks remain profitable?
Inflation is here to stay
A savings bank rebuilds itself
The digital euro
Success factors for growth in the European insurance market
A banking transaction is still something intimate
Why we also advise outside of consulting
Dream job as a consultant
Lifelong learning with zeb's experience curve.
ESG. Taxonomy. Sustainability.
Bitcoin, NFTs and the Metaverse
Prejudice in companies. What´s the problem?
Fast, seamless and secure: the future of payments
Fast, seamless and secure: the future of payments
Algorithm vs. human: Where does the future of asset management lie?
Quantum Computing and the power of speed
Digital. Sustainable. Platform
Banking regulation
Back and forth. Empty your pockets
Investing must be easy
A consultancy as incubator: The example of zeb.applied
The bank as a solution provider with respect to housing
Financial Planing in an agile world
How do mergers of cooperative banks succeed?
The office as a place of encounter
Earn money? Or do good? Or both?
How to fight financial crime
Cash and digitalization: friend or foe?
Corporate culture and purpose-driven organizations
Do regional banks still have a future?
Online Mortgages: The next revenue driver for banks?
Learning of the future
Process optimization: Good for banks and their employees
Penta: Platform instead of a bank
Detecting and avoiding misconduct in banks
Data, digitalization and the glasses of Jürgen Klopp
Investment strategies for Austria and beyond
Corona and Recruiting
Business case sustainability?
Omnichannel Management
European Insurance Study 2020
Teamwork and Leadership
Climate Change and ESG
All agility. Or what?
How digital are Europe's banks really?
Why do current accounts cost money?
Data analytics and customer activation

Do you have questions about our podcasts? Then you are welcome to send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!

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48153 Münster



Data analytics and customer activation

zeb - your employer

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zeb @zeb_consulting

𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐧: Die neue Ausgabe von Goldilocks, dem Magazin des Sparkassen Innovation Hub zum aktuellen Thema "Fachkräftemangel". 🤔 Mit einem Gastbeitrag unserer Kollegen Laura Klempau und Christian Kossendey über eine angemessene Personalstrategie in diesen herausfordernden Zeiten, u.a. am Beispiel unseres Projekts bei der Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg 🚀 Am besten direkt die Goldilocks-App herunterladen 😉 Oder sonst hier klicken 👉 #sparkassen #fachkräftemangel #personalstrategie

zeb @zeb_consulting

Zum #TagderArbeit ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von zeb: Wir sehen das große Ganze, aber verlieren auch nicht die Details aus dem Auge 👀 Wir kennen die Herausforderungen unserer Kunden und entwickeln die entscheidenden Lösungen für den Finanzdienstleistungssektor. Weitere Informationen 👉 #zebconsulting #partnersforchange

zeb @zeb_consulting

Die heutige Episode unseres Podcast🎙zeb.Sound of Finance macht uns besonders stolz, weil wir mit eine echte Erfolgsgeschichte begleiten und fortschreiben dürfen. 🚀 Vor knapp zwei Jahren hatten wir Max Linden, Co-Gründer und CEO von, zum ersten Mal zu Gast im Podcast. Und heute ist er wieder dabei und spricht mit unserem Kollegen Maximilian Huth. Warum? Weil das start-up vor Kurzem eine Banklizenz der BaFin erhalten hat. Damit darf 🍋 nun auch den Wertpapierhandel anbieten. ➡Wie wichtig ist dieser Schritt für das Unternehmen? ➡Welche Kunden konnten mittlerweile gefunden werden? ➡Und wie hat sich das Verständnis von Führung bei Max geändert?   Das und mehr ist hier zu hören 👉 #SoundOfFinance #Wertpapierhandel #Kapitalmarkt #Führung

zeb @zeb_consulting

Nah, näher, zeb: Wir sind an unseren Kunden dran. Als Partner der Veränderer begleiten wir sie national und international 🌍 Informationen zu unseren Standorten 👉

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