Your way to Pricing Excellence

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Pricing Excellence

The price is regarded as the greatest lever for the profitability of a bank or savings bank. Corresponding investments therefore pay for themselves very quickly. In their current book "Your way to PRICING EXCELLENCE", zeb authors present the basics, challenges and success factors for better pricing and enforcement.

To order a book, please click here.

zeb's international pricing excellence team designs and optimizes for private and corporate clients: 

  • Current account models
  • Account finder
  • Securities and custody accounts
  • Credit prices (under MARZIPAN, agree21 etc.)
  • Loyalty programs and total customer pricing. 

Order our new free hub for quick analysis of the willingness to pay on accounts now.

This publication is only available in German. Are you interested in a presentation of our results and a further exchange of ideas? Then feel free to contact us.

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Further reading

zeb is a thought leader in the field of financial services. Please find a selection of our recent publications below.

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