Cyber Security

Whitepaper Cyber Security_EN_1920x1080

Banks’ defense remains patchy

Once upon a time, the rule was: "Either the safe fulfils its purpose completely or not at all. Today, defense lawyers are rethinking banks. The fact that a successful digital break-in will occur is now considered a given. That is why we are working to ensure that attackers cause as little damage as possible and are stopped quickly.  

In a survey, zeb investigated how banks assess the current maturity level of their own cyber security. The focus was on four dimensions of IT management and critical success factors. The results give cause for concern as many institutions are unable to keep up with the attackers. 

Only with a multidimensional approach do banks have a chance of surviving in the digital threat situation. IT, organization, processes and culture are the fronts on which success is decided. Partial breakthrough instead of full access is the goal. To achieve this, institutions must train their ability to react, professionalize protection requirements management and strengthen their defensive capabilities. And last but not least, they must build up threat intelligence in order to allocate limited resources dynamically, purposefully and efficiently.

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