

Tomorrow’s world of finance in focus: read on to find out more about us and our ideas in academic research and business practice.

Overview of publications

Stay tuned with our current studies, topics and cases.

a stack of wooden blocks on a table
ein Buch mit einem Bild eines Mannes und einem Teleskop
eine Zeitschrift mit einem Kind am Strand
a stack of magazines with text and images
a stack of books with a fingerprint on it
Cover_Private Banking_2024_AT_1920x1080.jpg
Cover_Private Banking_2024_EN_1920x1080_LP.jpg
a book on a table
a book on a table
a book on a table_asset management study 2024
Whitepaper Psychologische Sicherheit Schweiz Edition
looking up view of tall buildings with trees in the background
a map of the earth
DLT Study
a book with text on it
a paper with text on it
a book with a picture of a building and trees
a book with a man climbing on a rope
a book on a table
Branch Design
a city skyline with a graph
AFME zeb Studie
Cover Asset Management Study
a magazine with a person in a green kayak on a river
a city in the clouds
a magazine with a hand holding a bag
zeb MarketFlash 46; Zinserhöhung; Rate hike cycle
a book with clouds and sun rays
ESG Regulatorik Visual
dunkle Straße und Bankskyline im Hintergrund
a close up of a graph
Market Flash, Regulation
Potenziale endlich heben Image
Private Banking
MarketFlash#43: Value drivers in banking
Robotic Process Automation Studie
Versicherungsstudie 2022 Deutschland
Retail ESG Studie Schweiz
a book with a picture of a fan and a person holding a drill
zeb.market flash issue 42
zeb.Agile Readiness Check 2022
a couple of people standing on a dock
Cover European Sustainable investment funds study 2022 EN 1920x1080.jpg
a book with text and images
a blurry image of a street at night


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48153 Münster
e-mail publications@zeb.eu