Mortgage – last bastion for banks?

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How banks ensure returns by improving their access to customers

The real estate boom in Germany is unbroken: lending volumes, prices and margins continue to grow steadily. On the basis of our recent Mortgage Study Germany, we can draw an overall positive conclusion regarding the current market situation.

However, a more sophisticated look behind the scenes raises additional questions: How do major platform providers influence the retail banking sector? How can banks score with their own digital offerings beyond financing? After all, various market players earn 22 billion euros per year from real estate in Germany – of which financing accounts for 3.7 billion euros only. 

Thus, what does a solid future of mortgage look like for banks?

Regardless of the banks’ individual situation and outlook, every institution must deal with four core issues with regard to platform competitors, end-to-end digititalization, changing customer behavior, and the development of additional, potential margins. Banks still hold the majority of relevant customer contacts. But are they also defending this "bastion" and, with it, the key to future growth and earnings? In our current study you will learn what a promising business model in the area of mortgage can look like.


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