RPA Study

Robotic Process Automation Studie

Robotic process automation in the finance industry

Small effort, big impact – challenges and success factors for realizing the full potential of RPA

In this study, we explore the potential, challenges and success factors for implementing and scaling robotic process automation (RPA) in the financial services sector. For this purpose, relevant decision-makers from units of COOs and CIOs in the DACH region were surveyed across all types of financial institutions

Our key finding: financial services providers continue to set great store by robots. RPA has become a widely used and popular technology to make processes more economical, faster and less error-prone – all at the same time. Read our study to find out in what areas RPA can be put to good use and what added value it can generate.

The majority of financial services providers have recognized the potential of RPA, but it is not yet being fully exploited. To help you leverage its full potential, our study summarizes the success factors utilized by best-in-class organizations to overcome the challenges of implementation and scaling. Even today, robotic support can already enable your employees to spend more time on what really matters – your customers.

Only available in German language.


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