Process management study 2023

Potenziale endlich heben Image

Fully leveraging potential – at last

In what ways has the situation in process management changed since our last survey in 2019? Our experts once again surveyed cooperative and savings banks in Germany to find out.

The good news: Process management is now established across the board, both at cooperative banks and savings banks. Goals are defined. Standardization and digitalization have advanced significantly – providing the institutions concerned with a sound basis for cost reduction.

The bad news: Very few institutions monitor and control the process management regime they have implemented – as a result, they are hardly able to optimize it, to readjust it in turbulent times and to fully tap its potential. Many regional banks are not achieving their goals. A particular concern: compared to our last survey in 2019, the level of achievement in boosting customer satisfaction has dropped significantly. And the lamentable and obvious deterioration in compliance with legal requirements suggests that regulatory adjustments are overtaking process management.

Our study shows that in the future, the focus must be and will be on expanding process management regimes and leveraging potential. Realizing competitive advantage requires appropriate expansion plans in conjunction with firm process governance. And enhanced process culture.

This publication is only available in German.

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