With another zeb Financial Market Round Table at the China Club Berlin, zeb continued its series of events at which renowned personalities from politics and financial institutions discuss current financial policy issues with a small, selected group of participants.
In their statements, Dr. Volker Wissing, Secretary General of the Free Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister as well as Minister of Economics, Transportation, Agriculture and Viticulture of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate and his colleague Dr. Florian Toncar, Parliamentary Managing Director and Financial Policy Spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag, advocated a turnaround in economic policy, towards more freedom, more flexibility and more liberty.
The social market economy in the Erhardian sense must once again be elevated to the highest maxim of economic policy. "Private before state" is the credo of the two politicians. The creativity of the individual is called for and not a uniform concept of the state.
Thus, the taking up of new debts in the Corona crisis, the farewell to the much-invoked black zero and the latest scandals involving Wirecard or CumEx transactions provided an interesting framework for a lively exchange of views. As a consequence of the Wirecard scandal, the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag is calling for fundamental changes in the control and supervisory structures in Germany.
What is necessary, it says, is a "complete overhaul of fraud protection". For this reason, the FDP parliamentary group is calling for a rapid intervention force at the financial supervisory authority Bafin and full-time supervisory board chairmen for DAX corporations.