Digital Pulse Check Insurance 2022


Digital maturity of German insurers

Status of digital transformation in the German insurance market – taking the pulse

The Digital Pulse Check 2022 surveys, measures and evaluates the status of digital transformation in the German insurance market and identifies opportunities, potential and challanges of digitalization.

For the third edition of the Digital Pulse Check, insurance specialists from various hierarchical levels were surveyed. The participating insurance companies cover a wide range of business areas, with all-lines insurers being the most frequently represented.

The Pulse Check determines the level of digital maturity of German insurers along the four core dimensions of

  • digitalization strategy
  • business model
  • processes & IT 
  • management & organization

and condenses this into the Digital Performance Indicator with a total of five levels - from “Digital Resister” to “Digital Leader”.  

Despite the fact that 50% of insurers have the “Digital Transformer” maturity level, there is further potential field of action in the digitalization of insurers. From the results, we derived overarching fields of action for further progress in the transformation.

You can download a short version of the study for free via the order form (only available in German). 

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