Transformation Study 2022


Cultivating success

Why the effort of establishing a culture of success pays off

Companies are only slowly realizing that culture is the basis for everything – even for a healthy bottom line. As part of our transformation study, we asked financial services providers about “soft factors” such as open-mindedness and trust, but also about hard facts such as compensation and profitability.

The result: successful companies care much more about their culture than less successful ones. 

It is true that working on corporate culture for the long term requires a great deal of effort. But it pays off: in terms of higher-performing employees, improved customer satisfaction and increasing profitability.

This study analyzes what “culture of success” means in real life and how the structures of successful banks and insurance companies differ from those of less successful ones. And, what is more, our numerous practical tips provide valuable impetus for successful change.

Download white paper as a PDF free of charge (German version only):
zeb.Transformationsstudie 2022

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