Private Banking Study Austria 2022


On the tipping point?

Prospects for Austrian Private banking providers


Austrian private banking customers had total assets of around EUR 870 billion in 2022, which are expected to rise to around EUR 1,070 billion by 2027. The volume of liquid assets played a subordinate role (14%). The main drivers of asset growth were real estate and equity investments. This shows the advisory potential that asset managers can exploit in these asset classes. The analysis of the private banking market in Austria conducted as part of this study identified several focus topics as key challenges and opportunities.

In the short term, the interest rate turnaround by central banks will result in significant growth potential in the area of income-oriented interest book management - depending on the business model and historically grown set-up. The global trend toward greater sustainability and the associated ESG requirements offer attractive opportunities through targeted advice and investment products.

In the medium term, there are many as yet untapped opportunities through the potential of digital customer service and the holistic exploitation of sales potential (beyond liquid assets).

In the long term, the market for digital assets and DLT currently offers low-barrier access to a high-margin, previously untapped market.


This study is not available for direct download, but can be purchased via this link.

This publication is available in German only.

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