a man and woman wearing hardhats looking at tablet

Consulting & Strategy for Sales Financing

In 2022, passenger cars and production machinery dominated the new leasing business

There was a clear trend in new leasing business in 2022, with production machinery and passenger cars leading the way. While mobility needs continued to play an important role, the high demand for production machinery demonstrated the continued growth of the manufacturing industry. 

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From heavy construction machinery such as excavators to agricultural equipment such as combine harvesters, from modern charging infrastructure for electric mobility to efficient photovoltaic systems for energy production: we offer you a comprehensive insight into the various financing options.

Find out how your industrial or retail company can develop the perfect financing solution for your product.

Develop leasing and rental models

Promoting sales and increasing margins through flexible usage models

Design product-related ecosystems

Integrating financial and payment services into platforms and marketplaces

Intelligent data use along the product life cycle

Basing decisions on product usage and financial services data

„Im Bereich der Absatzförderung sind individuell angepasste Finanzierungslösungen, Serviceangebote und das Pay-per-Use-Modell am Point of Sale die Instrumente der Stunde, um eine stärkere Kundenbindung, höhere Zufriedenheit und ein faires Pricing zu erreichen.“


Dr. Klaus Strenge, Partner