European Asset Management Study 2019


Differentiated strategies for European asset managers

On average, two-thirds of growth in asset management depends on market developments. Since 2018 was the first year with falling markets after a long bullish phase, the industry is in the zone of discomfort. It can be assumed that the market development over the next five years will hit medium-sized providers hardest. They run the risk of falling by the wayside. These companies need something that makes them stand out from the crowd, be it lower costs or special services through specialisation.

At the same time, asset managers must focus their product performance, which is the decisive success factor in a winner-takes-all market. In order to win investors, they must define a clear strategic position, professionalize their sales management and digitalize their processes. They also need to rethink pricing and take data collection and management to a new level with new technologies.

Sounds challenging? That's what it is! Only those who leave their comfort zone can generate new growth.

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