CFO Study 2024

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Artificial intelligence in the Finance divisions of European banks













The CFO Study 2024 investigates how European CFOs and senior finance executives assess the increasing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) for the Finance divisions in the European banking landscape. It offers valuable insights into the current trends, challenges and opportunities the technology brings to the financial sector.

In addition, the study presents numerous innovative AI use cases that not only serve as guidance, but also provide inspiration and impetus for the future design of Finance divisions. These real-life examples open up new possibilities as to how AI can revolutionize efficiency and decision-making in the financial world.

This white paper describes the structure of the study, provides an overview of selected quantitative and qualitative findings and draws initial conclusions. It does not present the study results in detail, but rather aims to stimulate discussions.

Highlights of our study:
  • Novel study approach equally involving both AI and human experts
  • Insights from 25 interviews with top bankers
  • 50% of interviewees are based in the DACH region and other European countries


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Further reading

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