Robotik Leasing und Pay-Per-Use Modelle

Develop Leasing and Rental Models

Flexibility in a rapidly changing world: leasing, rental and pay-per-use models

In our dynamic world, where technological innovation and changing consumer habits set the pace, flexibility is becoming increasingly valuable. Traditional purchase models are complemented by flexible consumption models that meet the needs of consumers. In particular, leasing, rental and pay-per-use models offer a range of benefits for both suppliers and customers.

Welche Vorteile haben Leasing-, Miet- und Pay-per-Use Modelle?

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Faires Pricing

Berechnung der tatsächlichen Nutzung von Dienstleistungen oder Produkten. Keine festen monatlichen oder jährlichen Gebühren.


Höhere Kundenbindung & Weiterempfehlungsquote durch Kundenzufriedenheit & Vertrauen in Pay-per-Use-Model.

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Kunden haben die Freiheit, ihre Nutzung nach Bedarf zu erhöhen oder zu reduzieren, ohne an langfristige Verträge gebunden zu sein.


Schnelle und einfache Anpassung der Dienstleistungen und Produkte an sich verändernde Kundenbedürfnisse

Greater financial freedom and sustainable usage

Instead of a large initial investment, these models allow for regular, often monthly payments. This can increase the users’ liquidity and minimize the risks associated with the value depreciation of products. Companies can benefit from significant tax advantages, as lease payments are often deductible as operating expenses. Flexible usage models allow for longer product life cycles and multiple uses by different customers. In addition, customers only pay for what they really need, which leads to more sustainable consumption.

Financing and usage models for industrial and commercial enterprises

Unser Angebot: wie zeb Sie bei einer Kauf-und Finanzierungsstrategie unterstützen kann

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Analyse Produktportfolio
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Analyse Markt & Wettbewerbssituation
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Strategieerstellung & Implementation