
Diversity has many facets. Do you, too?

Let's improve diversity management in your company together

Our world is diverse. It always has been – just like you and us and all the employees in our companies. But it is only when we allow this diversity to become a matter of course that it can unleash its full power.

Studies have shown that diverse teams are more creative and successful – but only if we make room for diversity and know how to use it. The success of diverse teams is therefore above all a question of attitude and willingness.


“Diverse teams are not only more successful – without women, banks will also lack much-needed specialists and, above all, leaders in the future.”

Sandra Douqué, Partner, zeb

Change does not happen overnight. It is the sum of many small steps. In the (as yet still) male-dominated financial services industry, gender equality deserves a spot right at the top of the agenda.

For example, did you know that ...

  • 96% of board members in cooperative banks are male?
  • there are more board members named Thomas in German banks than there are female board members overall?
  • gender parity on the boards of savings banks will only be achieved in 244 years unless the development accelerates?


Panel discussion “It’s the mix that matters – why we should promote diversity”

At the FI Forum 2021, Dr. Katrin Lumma, Partner at zeb, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hasebrook, Senior Manager at zeb, Claudia Lensker (FI), Dr. Annegret Saxe (Sparkasse Münsterland Ost) and Torsten Schrell discussed how diversity can make a very concrete contribution to the success of companies (in German).



Join us on the journey

Our core business is consulting – dialog, exchanging ideas and finding sustainable solutions together. We look forward to working with you to make more room for diversity in our companies. Let’s set ourselves initial binding targets and link them to strategic ambitions. 

We support you in reviewing attitudes, thought patterns and perceptions in your company. Together we can develop tailored diversity strategies, trainings and events – and rethink leadership.


Banks – what is your current status? Our wake-up campaign

Would you like to lay an important cornerstone for equal opportunities at your bank right now? Give your female employees an early boost on their very personal journeys towards management positions – all the way to the board of directors. Use our quick check in the chatbot (on the right hand side of this website) to get a clear picture of your current status. Let’s start a discussion about how you could improve (even further).

Learn more about our campaign here.

Impulses for Change


We take responsibility

At zeb, we too have some way to go on our journey towards a diverse and sustainable future. But the goal is clear: we want to be a company where everyone is equally supported and respected – regardless of gender, religion or origin. Among other things, we aim to increase the proportion of women in our consulting services to 25% by 2023. 

As a company, we take responsibility for our employees and clients, for society and the environment (corporate social responsibility). Our business is a “people business”. The quality of our collaboration, the pleasure we take in it and the success of our work depend on our employees. Therefore, for us, the well-being and appreciation of our colleagues always come first. Click here to find out more about how we understand and implement our corporate social responsibility. 

zeb also supports the German initiative “Charta der Vielfalt” (Diversity Charter) with the aim of promoting recognition, appreciation and room for diversity in our corporate culture. This is also what zeb.proutz, our LGBTQIA+ initiative stands for.