Sustainability Study 2020


Sustainability changes banking for good

Customers, highly ready to change banks, are pushing the transformation

Sustainability is increasingly influencing consumer behavior and is also turning into a key driver for the transformation of the banking industry. Banks have essentially recognized this. Nevertheless, the majority is still far from becoming attractive for this demanding clientele, although almost two thirds of the population in Germany regard sustainability as generally relevant to their living environment. 

Overall, the group of sustainability-oriented bank customers in Germany has grown by almost 300% since 2014, now encompassing a broad section of the population.
This is the result of the latest Sustainability Study conducted by zeb. In mid-2020, for the second time after 2014, zeb examined how banking is changing as a result of the sustainability megatrend, what transformative processes this is triggering at financial institutions and what earnings potential is emerging.

The zeb Sustainability Study 2020 also revealed that customers with an affinity for sustainability are significantly more satisfied with their main bank than other customer groups. They are, however, also highly ready to change banks if their bank does not meet these sustainability requirements. 

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