Digital Pulse Check 3.0


Banks need to win customers over on the digital front

Digital transformation has been a hot topic for Europe’s banks for years. Yet, much remains to be done on the way from strategic goal to successful implementation. Innovative offers for customers, agile process models or digital corporate cultures are still the exception rather than the rule. The new pulse check 2018 puts this into relief.

European banks are making progress with digitally transforming their business models, albeit in small steps and with a focus on existing business models. Disruptive ideas or innovations, however, have so far hardly been put into practice. This is a key result of the latest digital pulse check by zeb, which examined the status of digital transformation within the banking sector this summer for the third time running. In order to contrast banks’ development with the customer perspective, zeb also surveyed more than 1,000 end customers in Germany for its latest study.

Our latest pulse check shows that as far as digital transformation is concerned there is still a long way to go from banks’ strategies to their implementation. So far, customers have struggled to find any innovative offers that go beyond the basic product portfolio and it is far too rare that they are involved in the development of new products. Modern, agile collaboration models are hardly established at all. Banks need to optimize their internal processes faster and systematically use their data for their business purposes. If they manage to do so, they stand a good chance of prevailing against new digital competitors in the marketplace.

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