
Savings banks – bank management & treasury

Economic conditions, increasing regulatory requirements and a shortage of skilled workers continue to pose major difficulties for bank management.

Savings banks – bank management & treasury

The banking world is facing a variety of challenges

The rollout of the new OSPlus bank management system is in full swing, the concepts and new application components have largely been made available and are gradually being put into operation in the savings banks.

The interest rate turnaround has led to new strategic issues, such as the change in the strategic treasury position in view of the volatility on the capital markets and the implications for the BFA 3 accounting statement .

And banks still need to cope with the shortage of own funds, a consequence of the strong growth in the lending business in recent years and alternative investments such as real estate. This raises the need to optimize and manage risk-weighted assets and to optimally leverage the scarce resource of own funds in consideration of the upcoming RWA changes and shifts with the new CRR III.

Finally, the 7th MaRisk amendment was published last summer, requiring the savings banks to focus particularly on transposing the EBA guidelines on loan origination and monitoring into German law, integrating ESG requirements from strategy to risk management, and real estate business .


New bank management

Implementing the OSPlus bank management system in savings banks

Interest rate turnaround

Strategies for adjusting the treasury position in volatile capital markets 

a blue circle with a black background
Shortage of own funds

Optimizing risk-weighted assets and using own funds in line with the new CRR III regulations 

Icon mit Checkliste regulatorische Anforderungen
8th MaRisk amendment

Integrating the EBA guidelines into German law, ESG requirements in risk management and real estate business 

Our solutions for bank management in savings banks 

zeb supports savings banks with basic services or individual process models. Here are some examples of the challenges outlined:

Rollout of the new bank management system

Support of over 100 savings banks in the introduction of new application components with a focus on efficiency and control.

Strategies for the interest rate turnaround

Development of individual positioning approaches for the interest rate turnaround and its effects on various management dimensions.

Equity management

Comprehensive support in optimizing equity investment and implementing RWA management frameworks.

8th MaRisk amendment

Holistic or individual implementation with a focus on credit, ESG or real estate business.

Sustainability in risk management

Pragmatic models for integrating sustainability, carbon accounting and CO2 emission targets.

Our references