Safe and healthy workplaces are more than a duty, they embody our values

As part of a regular and project-oriented exchange with the occupational health and safety committee, we develop measures for maintaining the physical and mental health of zeb employees. Anja Hillenkötter, Head of Human Resources in shared Leadership, explains what is on offer to employees. 
Eine Frau mit Brille und schwarzer Jacke

“Safe and healthy workplaces” – is that synonymous with occupational safety?

Anja Hillenkötter: Yes, but it’s not limited to this aspect. It goes without saying that we constantly care for the safety of our office buildings and therefore the workplaces of our employees. But above all, we are eager to implement measures that keep our colleagues physically and mentally healthy, including fitness, stress prevention and confidential counseling in a wide range of life situations. To this end, we have introduced initiatives such as zeb.wellfit, time4u and


This sounds like a comprehensive range of well-being measures. So what does zeb.wellfit actually mean?

Anja Hillenkötter: It’s basically about providing consultants who work at the client’s premises with even better support in terms of favorable health behavior. We offer different packages: our online-based Active Break provides new exercises two to three times a week; Back Fitness issues handouts and is accompanied by individual online formats; After-Work Fitness with kickboxing and other formats is available four to five times a year on site in Münster; Morning Mobility entails yoga-like exercise sessions three times a week via Microsoft Teams. Of course, there are also allowances for a gym membership in Germany. This way, we want to adequately compensate for the sometimes stressful everyday life.


Mental health is also receiving increasing attention. Do and time4u address this issue and what stress prevention measures does zeb offer?

Anja Hillenkötter: Absolutely! We offer stress prevention measures designed to improve time and self-management, including a recently launched regular 15-minute podcast. In addition, we frequently organize mental health workshops, which deal with stress prevention, healthy diet and work-life balance. Our training portfolio includes management training courses on healthy and mindful leadership. But that’s not all! With the initiative, our employees can take advantage of coaching on childcare or other life situations and obtain assistance in finding daycare centers, home help or nursing homes for their parents. Our time4u models enable our employees to take time off: taking a break from “work” to focus on “life”.


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