Psychological safety in organizations

a book with a man climbing on a rope

When safety creates dynamism

Psychological safety is finding its way onto the agenda of decision-makers, also in the financial services industry. It promotes a positive corporate culture and thus the company’s success.

Up to now, attempts have often been made to produce performance through responsibility, structure or meaningfulness. This approach is effective and sensible. However, these factors are only accountable for 40–60% of the success and performance in organizations and teams. The remaining part can be attributed to psychological safety, because:

Psychological safety is the basis of all performance and therefore the productivity of organizations. It is of great relevance and a driver of success for companies.

Bad news: the high importance of psychological safety is offset by a low level in real-life application.

Good news: psychological safety can be controlled – through people’s actions and behavior as well as through organizational processes, tools, structures and goals.

In this white paper, we explain the benefits of this concept for banking and insurance teams.


Download white paper as a PDF free of charge (German version only):
"Wenn Sicherheit Dynamik schafft - 
Psychologische Sicherheit in Organisationen"


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