European Sustainable Investment Funds Study 2021

European Sustainable Investment Funds Study 2021
After the Paris Agreement was signed by 196 countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2015, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) -related matters have reached mainstream exposure as organizations adapt their sustainability footprint and ESG strategies in response to increasing public sentiment and regulation towards making the global economy a more sustainable marketplace both in terms of embracing the environmental changes and better social and corporate governance practices.
To achieve the ambitious goals and drive the necessary changes, the governments need the help of the financial sector and private investors, as reflected by the EU Commission´s Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth, a legislative roadmap aimed to redirect capital towards sustainable investments and to promote transparency in this area.
Against this background the fund industry plays an important role as asset managers function as intermediaries between both institutional and retail investors, and companies and institutions in need of financing the necessary adjustments of their operations and the restructuring of the entire economy. Our study aims at providing a snapshot on how sustainability objectives and the respective legislative interventions have shaped the fund industry in Europe in the last years with a particular focus on the role, competitiveness and positioning of the Luxembourg fund hub.
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The study was supported by a number of interviews and contributions from leading representatives of the fund industry which you will find in this supplement.