With Joblinge we are doing our bit in fighting youth unemployment

zeb is a founding partner of JOBLINGE Stuttgart, one of the organization’s 30 locations across Germany that help young people make the leap from unemployment into the world of work.

zeb.move business-coaching GmbH, headed by Managing Director Claus Peter Hendricks, plays a leading role in supporting the initiative. Senior Business Coach Markus Schmidt explains how zeb has been assisting Stuttgart’s “joblings” for many years.


a man in a suit

Why does zeb help young people who are not in training or work, at school or at university?

Markus Schmidt: For us, this is an important corporate commitment – it’s about social cohesion, not our own recruitment goals. Since its foundation in 2008, JOBLINGE has helped more than 17,000 young people aged between 15 and 25 to write CVs, respond to job advertisements and prepare for job interviews – with a success rate of 80 percent. We have been involved in Stuttgart since the local JOBLINGE branch was established in 2014, and currently around 80 people complete the program there every year.


So zeb is helping these young people by acting as a partner and sponsor?

Markus Schmidt: Yes, especially if you define the term “partner” a little more broadly. Of course, our commitment is about money. But it is also about the personal commitment of zeb employees. Over the years, colleagues have repeatedly made themselves available as mentors for program participants and provided their mentees with advice and support – regularly, kindly, but also openly, honestly and, if necessary, critically. For example, it can sometimes be a challenge to convey the importance of gender equality. Time and again, zeb colleagues also provide coaching to help JOBLINGE employees boost the team spirit in their challenging daily work.


The zeb colleagues leverage their expertise from management consulting then?

Markus Schmidt: Absolutely! The work of the JOBLINGE employees is demanding, and we help them by providing impetus to their teamwork. We do this in the form of workshops in which our consultants use examples to highlight problems and possible solutions. This is classic team building, straight out of our leadership development programs. At JOBLINGE, we have carried out a motive structure analysis – MSA for short – with many employees in order to boost their capacity for reflection. Subsequently, we help the participants draw conclusions from these findings regarding their interaction with each other. This shows how varied our work for JOBLINGE is – and how much overlap there is, too


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zeb.campus Inhouse Schulungen
Tool VB-Mitarbeiterbefragung

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