We want to turn all zeb colleagues into ESG experts

Yola Oberschmidt, HR expert at zeb, on our internal ESG training series for all of our employees.


At zeb, all colleagues have the opportunity to become ESG experts. Since 2023, all employees have been able to take part in online training courses, developed in cooperation with zeb.business school, during their working hours.

All our employees participate in the basic training course. It teaches the basics of sustainability and the importance of ESG in the financial sector. The advanced and deep-dive training courses expand this knowledge and prepare employees specifically for client projects.

Colleagues who complete all the training courses can even obtain a university certificate from zeb.business school and thus qualify specifically for ESG topics.


ESG.training model

The three-stage model introduces participants to essential ESG basics with additional in-depth options - which they can also have certified. 

Expert level

In five deep-dive training courses, sustainability knowledge can be deepened in individually selected fields of action – from management to sales and HR. 

Advanced level

The advanced training course enables participants to discuss key fields of action relating to sustainability with decision-makers. 

Beginner level

The basic training course teaches the basics of sustainability and everything zeb colleagues need to know about it. 


Here you will find the latest information on topic-related publications, podcasts, use cases, interviews and more from zeb.

Eine Frau mit Brille und schwarzer Jacke
ESG_case_02_Ambition_und Strategie
a man in a suit
zeb.campus Inhouse Schulungen

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