Insurance Companies: Digital customer interface


Targeted digitalization of customer contact points

For some years now, all insurers have been dealing with an increasing digitalization of the interface to the customer by means of better online access, information apps, etc. However, hardly any insurer has pushed these concepts in such a comprehensive way that it is possible to communicate via digital channels alone—of course in addition to classical contact points via agents or service centers.

The coronavirus pandemic has forced insurers to reflect on their respective level of maturity and is currently leading to an accelerated ad hoc-driven digitalization of individual contact points. In many companies, a holistic concept for managing the points of contact is not enough—frictional losses between the channels and within the organization are the result. 

Customer behavior and channel preferences have now changed permanently and will therefore lead to digital customer interfaces becoming the new standard for many contacts. Insurers are now faced with the challenge of ensuring this digitalization of the customer interface as quickly and effectively as possible.

In this core issue we give you an insight into the strategic and implementation-relevant issues of “digitalization of the customer interface”. The focus is on managing customer contacts in a digitalized world. Among other things, the following topics are addressed:

  • Relevance of the customer interface
  • Design principles and dimensions
  • Practical examples for filling the customer interface for insurance companies

This publication is only available in German.

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