Corporate bankers become transformation partners – with an ESG certification

More and more regional banks are turning to us because they want and need to adjust their corporate banking business to the growing sustainability requirements laid out for companies. Corporate bankers want to prepare for their changed role. That’s why we have been offering an ESG certification for corporate bankers in collaboration with Steinbeis University since 2023. Around 250 participants have already successfully completed this training in the first year – they are now well prepared for their new role as partners for the ongoing sustainability transformation:

a woman standing in front of a group of people

Traditional corporate banker role 

  • Single point of contact for the company 

  • Intermediary to the bank’s specialists

  • Sparring partner for business model-related issues

  • Credit officer for the client

  • “Interpreter” of the credit rating (incl. levers)

Expanded transformation partner role

  • Sparring partner for ESG impact-related issues

  • Information provider regarding financing options

  • “Interpreter” of the ESG score (incl. levers)

  • Guide through legislation and market trends

  • Intermediary to energy consultants and other ESG experts

The topic of sustainability is thus becoming a key element in the bank’s relationship with its corporate clients and is integrated into the bank’s day-to-day advisory and support services: 



Portfolio and account planning

Corporate banker monitors ESG opportunities and risks in the client portfolio


Client meeting preparation

Corporate banker analyzes the ESG impact to define any resulting client needs


Meeting structure

Client and corporate banker discuss ESG as equals. They jointly define the company’s ESG compliance as well as further transformation and financing needs, including the introduction of sustainable new products or services


Meeting follow-up

Corporate banker records ESG findings in client profile and adds new and relevant ESG data to the client database 


Controlling and management

Bank continuously monitors its loan portfolio for ESG risks


Here you will find the latest information on topic-related publications, podcasts, use cases, interviews and more from zeb.

Herkömmliche Rolle Firmenkundenberater
Herkömmliche Rolle Firmenkundenberater
  • Erste Ansprechperson für das Unternehmen

  • Vermittler zu den Fachleuten der Bank 

  • Sparringspartner zum Thema Geschäftsmodell

  • Kreditverantwortlicher gegenüber dem Kunden

  • „Deuter“ des Bonitätsratings (inkl. Stellhebel) 

Rollenerweiterung zum Transformationsbegleiter
Rollenerweiterung zum Transformationsbegleiter
  • Sparringspartner zum Thema ESG-Auswirkungen

  • Auskunftsperson bei Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten

  • „Deuter“ des ESG-Scores (inkl. Stellhebel)

  • Lotse durch Gesetzgebung und Markttrends

  • Vermittler von Energieberatern und weiteren ESG-Fachleuten  

We are here to help you

Together we will find an answer to your questions. Please feel free to write us a message or give us a call.