
Cooperative banks – pricing

In recent years, the pressure on cooperative banks with regard to pricing has increased significantly. Let us show you how we can help you meet the associated challenges.

Increasing complexity in pricing 


Cooperative banks are faced with rising challenges when it comes to pricing. What is more, the BGH (German Federal Court of Justice) ruling of April 27, 2021 requires resource-intensive approval processes that make price adjustments significantly more complex.

On top of that, in the wake of the interest rate turnaround the net interest spread for deposit business has returned to cooperative banks’ profit and loss (P&L) statements after more than a decade of absence. This is accompanied by increased competition for customer deposits, which has led to a noticeable surge in deposit withdrawals at many institutions.

The interest rate turnaround has also caused a dramatic slump in the lending business of many banks, which in turn has given rise to intense price competition. In addition, the complexity of product administration is increasing, so that even significant six-figure income is not always recognized in P&L statements.

Challenges in detail

BGH ruling

The ruling has made the approval processes more complex and resource-intensive.

Interest rate turnaround and customer deposits

After more than ten years, the net interest spread for deposit business is back and the dynamic has changed significantly. Find out more about the interest rate turnaround and customer deposits.

Price competition

A drastic decline in the lending business has resulted in intense price competition.

Product administration

Due to an increase in complexity, income can often not be recognized in the P&L statement. 

Our approach to pricing optimization


zeb offers cooperative banks comprehensive support with all things pricing. This includes developing a tailored pricing strategy, optimizing the pricing of individual products and strengthening the sales staff’s ability to enforce prices.

We are also very familiar with the omni-channel platform (OCP), which we use to dovetail all planned pricing measures (current account, main bank model, member bonus, etc.) in a targeted manner.

Our methods

In the last five years, we have carried out over 200 successful pricing projects within the German Cooperative Financial Network. Thanks to our comprehensive experience and high level of expertise, we are able to use standardized process models in all projects. These

  • are continuously optimized and improved specifically for cooperative banks,
  • ensure that projects run efficiently,
  • minimize expenses for cooperative banks,

and are nevertheless individually tailored to the specific needs of each cooperative bank.

Our references