zeb.campus – University coursework
Learning from the best.
Problemlösungsorientiert denken lernen: Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele aus der unternehmerischen Praxis lernen unsere Studierenden, die „richtigen“ Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Learning from the best.
Problemlösungsorientiert denken lernen: Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele aus der unternehmerischen Praxis lernen unsere Studierenden, die „richtigen“ Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Learning from the best
Studying while pursuing one’s profession
The zeb founders, above all Prof. Dr. Bernd Rolfes and Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Henner Schierenbeck, the inventors of profit-oriented bank management, have always advocated the idea that scientific findings should lead to practical benefits for companies.
The zeb.business school, founded in 2013, takes up this principle—with a commitment to practical transfer in research and teaching. Current results from consulting projects immediately become study content and flow into research and teaching. Conversely, scientific findings form the basis of practical projects. Through the permanent scientific support of the students, the highest standards are set. In this way, the greatest possible benefit is generated for all participants.
The zeb.business school is a cooperation of zeb and Steinbeis University Berlin SHB. Founded in 1998, the private, state-approved university is a subsidiary of the Steinbeis Foundation for Economic Development (Steinbeis-Stiftung für Wirtschaftsförderung, StW). Since its foundation, Steinbeis University Berlin has risen to become the largest private scientific university in Germany.
zeb GmbH supports the zeb.business school with material and human resources, provides a considerable proportion of the lecturers from the pool of zeb consultants, and thus offers bachelor, master and doctoral programs from the special focus of zeb via the zeb.business school.
Learning to think in a problem-solving manner: Using numerous case studies from entrepreneurial practice, our students learn to make the “right” decisions.
Further information on our range of courses will be available shortly. Learn more at zeb.business school.