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Savings banks – sustainability & ESG

Savings banks currently have to respond to numerous challenges – one of which are ESG requirements. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are important for savings banks to be successful in a constantly changing economic landscape.

ESG: the key to sustainability and growth in a dynamic economy

Today, savings banks are facing numerous challenges in the light of a dynamically developing economic landscape, in which ESG (environment, social and governance) aspects are considerably gaining in importance. This relevance is firmly grounded in three key areas:

Firstly, increased customer demands result in customers placing greater value on sustainable financial products and services. Savings banks that are able to offer their customers ESG-oriented options can not only increase customer satisfaction, but also strengthen their long-term relationships with them. The heightened awareness of sustainability and social responsibility is reflected in a change in demand that savings banks cannot ignore.

Secondly, sustainability offers an opportunity to generate income. Significant market movements can be observed in corporate banking in particular. The sustainable transformation of the economy in Germany leads to a considerable investment volume of around EUR 322 billion per year. This sector alone offers banks a significant annual income potential of EUR 5.9 billion. These figures make it clear that for savings banks, sustainability is not only an ethical obligation, but also a business opportunity.

Thirdly, savings banks need to comply with strict regulatory requirements. These include the reporting and disclosure of non-financial information, requirements for stress tests and risk management as well as specific capital requirements. These regulations have a direct impact on the business practices of savings banks and compel them to adapt their strategies and processes accordingly.

Overall, ESG is of primary importance for savings banks, as it not only represents a response to external requirements, but also offers significant opportunities for growth and differentiation in a highly competitive market. The integration of ESG principles into their business models and strategies is turning into a decisive factor for the future success of savings banks.

Increased customer demands

More and more customers are expressing a preference for sustainable financial products. By offering ESG-oriented options, savings banks can increase customer satisfaction. 

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Sustainability as an income opportunity

The sustainable transformation of the German economy generates an investment volume of around EUR 322 billion per year. As a result, banks can unlock an annual income potential of EUR 5.9 billion in corporate banking.

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Regulatory requirements

Compliance with regulations on the disclosure of non-financial information and risk management has a significant impact on the business practices of savings banks.

At zeb, we have defined specific objectives

Nachhaltigkeit fördern

Wir helfen Sparkassen dabei, nachhaltige Praktiken in ihren Geschäftsmodellen zu verankern, um eine positive Wirkung auf Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Unternehmensführung zu erzielen

Wert schaffen

Wir unterstützen Sparkassen dabei, langfristige Werte für ihre Kunden und Stakeholder zu schaffen, indem wir nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und Investitionen fördern. 

Risiken minimieren

Wir helfen Sparkassen, ESG-Risiken zu identifizieren, zu bewerten und zu minimieren, um finanzielle und operationelle Stabilität sicherzustellen. 

“The integration of ESG factors constitutes a significant challenge, especially when banks aim to achieve ‘net zero’. Established KPIs must be weighed against new sustainability targets. This requires a comprehensive adaptation of business processes.” 


Simon Grimm, Senior Advisor

Approach to ESG transformation at savings banks

ESG transformation at savings banks is an important step towards sustainability. It offers the opportunity to achieve a sustainable future while ensuring financial stability. At zeb, we are proud to accompany savings banks on this journey and thus make a positive contribution to society and the environment.

We offer savings banks a proven approach to ESG transformation, which includes a comprehensive analysis of current ESG practices, an ESG strategy review and the development of action programs. A successful ESG transformation can help to protect the environment, promote social justice and improve corporate governance.

1. Status quo analysis

We conduct a comprehensive analysis of current ESG practices to identify strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, we are guided by the established zeb.ESG framework, which ensures an integrated and prioritized approach and covers additional aspects beyond the German Savings Banks Association’s 2025 sustainability map.

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2. Prioritization and implementation

We support the ESG strategy implementation from regulatory compliance to employee training. 

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3. Monitoring and adaptation

We establish ESG performance indicators and assist in their regular monitoring. With our zeb.Taxonomy tool, we support savings banks in keeping an eye on regulatory changes.

Our references