Private banking services offered by regional cooperative banks


Profitability analysis based on a business case 

This book deals with private banking in regional banks and specifically in cooperative banks. It presents a summary of the current developments and conditions in private banking. It also identifies concepts for establishing and expanding private banking, especially for smaller cooperative banks.

The basic idea for this book was developed as part of a Master’s thesis in 2015. The book itself was written after that and takes into account developments until the beginning of 2019. During this period, banks faced a number of challenges, in particular due to the European Central Bank’s continuing low interest rate policy, which has led in particular to declining income from the net interest spread. Alongside corporate banking, private banking is one of the areas in regional banks that is currently experiencing rising revenues. This, in turn, is leading to an increasing number of smaller banks also becoming more and more involved in this area. 

You can order the book here.

Available in German only.

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Further reading

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Private Banking