zeb provides comprehensive support in setting up an emergency loan process to cope with the wave of enquiries and in designing a COVID19 promotional product offering.
At the same time, we are happy to support you in virtual ad-hoc online training courses (internal) and information events (external, e.g. webinars).
And of course with the customer portfolio analysis: Who is eligible for subsidies on the basis of e.g. P&L 2019?
During the Corona crisis, companies are confronted with significant short-term liquidity bottlenecks—ad-hoc measures are needed, for instance, to secure liquidity through state loans and other subsidies.
Companies’ principal banks (Hausbanken) could become a bottleneck, as almost all corporate customers simultaneously require talks, advice or credit, and the processing of state loans and other subsidies is only possible via companies’ principal banks.
This situation offers banks an opportunity for flexible support of companies in their time need and therefore a consolidation of customer relationships by positioning themselves as part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Four measures appear to be key to achieving this:
Very high due to the high political and social relevance of corporate rescue.
Government support programmes and aids (present)
Consideration of country-specific characteristics
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