
Cooperative banks – corporate banking sales

Cooperative banks must face up to the challenges of digitalization, demographic change and sustainability in order to remain competitive in the heavily contested corporate banking market.

Securing the future in corporate banking


Cooperative banks are confronted with various challenges in corporate banking. Mega trends such as digitalization, demographic change and sustainability have an impact on both the banks’ own business models and those of their corporate clients. Therefore, cooperative banks need to adapt and to realign their sales schemes. At the same time, competition is intensifying and in some areas the banks are reaching their limits in terms of positioning and market development.

Due to the high level of competition in the banking industry, especially in corporate banking, cooperative banks must clearly stand out against other banks and financial services providers in order to attract corporate clients and retain them in the long term. They are in direct competition with regional savings banks as well as major banks and increasingly with digital providers, too. Cooperative banks must leverage their limited resources in a strategic manner to make the most of their strengths and remain competitive.


Challenges that cooperative banks need to navigate today

Client acquisition and retention are paramount

The banks need targeted and tailor-made strategies to attract and retain corporate clients. Region-specific knowledge and networks can help cooperative banks establish close relationships with their corporate clients and understand their individual needs. Client centricity and flexibility are crucial assets when it comes to meeting the rapidly changing market conditions. To ensure long-term success, cooperative banks must be able to offer customized solutions that meet the individual needs of their corporate clients, including solutions for mastering the ESG transformation.

Digitalization is a must-have – not an optional extra

Digitalization is a key success factor. Cooperative banks need to invest in modern technologies and offer digital solutions if they want to meet their clients’ requirements and keep pace with technology-oriented competitors. 

Demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers are here

Demographic change poses additional challenges for cooperative banks with regard to both their own lack of advisory staff and succession processes at their business clients. If the latter are handled by another bank, the client relationship is at risk. In addition, banks that want to maintain their strong positioning must aim for long-term employer attractiveness.

ESG and sustainability

ESG and sustainability will be the most important mega topics of the coming decades and leave a mark on corporate banking, not merely as a source of additional regulation, but also as a real sales opportunity. 

“Future corporate banking must be highly attractive both to a bank’s clients and to its own employees. This will be the only way for banks to remain successful in the long term.”


Oliver Lieber, Senior Manager

Solutions for corporate banking sales

We have developed special approaches for cooperative banks to successfully meet the challenges outlined above. Below, you will find a selection of possible approaches for cooperative banks to actively shape their sales schemes in corporate banking and become fit for the future.

Net market time as a lever for sales success

Our simple and accessible approach enables institutions to identify their respective time sinks very quickly, so they can plan the right remedial measures. We help them develop suitable and effective solutions to make their sales schemes more efficient and to increase the amount of time their sales staff can spend on client acquisition and retention – a win-win-win situation for the bank, its employees and ultimately also its clients.

Fine-tuning the client support model

We identify cooperative banks’ individual strengths and areas of action as well as current market trends and competitive conditions to sharpen their profiles and unique selling points. Our wide range of project experience as well as national and international best practices allow us to help them strengthen their current positioning and make their client support model fit for the future.

Client potential analysis

With a profound data pool, we can design region-specific as well as target group-oriented wallet and potential models that allow cooperative banks to successfully develop strategies and markets in a targeted and potential-oriented manner. 

Innovative workshop formats

We use innovative workshop methods such as the eigenland® method to develop concrete sales action strategies for corporate banking in close collaboration with our clients’ employees. This allows us to come up with tailored solutions and successfully integrate them into their daily work. Together with TABULARAZA by zeb, we leverage a variety of innovative formats to help us cut through any Gordian knot. 

“Even in the current market environment, corporate banking can be an attractive source of income. However, this requires an appropriate positioning as well as a systematic and wallet-oriented market approach.”

Sara Könemann, Senior Manager

Our references