zeb helps building societies modernize or replace their old IT systems. zeb uses an analysis and process model that has been tried and tested in many projects and offers the right approach for every customer situation—and also takes the latest cloud sourcing into account.
This enables zeb to offer its customers a broad range of tailor-made solutions. For example, building societies canchoose a more conservative lift-and-shift approach, where changes are limited to the infrastructure and production level—i.e. no changes in users, processes and specialist applications are required for the time being.
The other option is to completely convert to a new IT setup, which can be carried out in one step or in stages. In any case, “satellitization” is the ideal starting point: it involves using specialized standard software along the process chain and, above all, considering customer journeys.
zeb helps all clients along their path to IT optimization: after an analysis of the initial situation, goals are set, and strategic options developed. These are then prioritized and timetables and responsibilities for implementation agreed.