Big Data and Analytics

core "Zukunft: Big Data & Analytics"

It’s not a hype, but the future of banking

When payment instruments and investments are transformed into data, we need financial services providers who aggregate useful services for all aspects of customer data and use them intelligently, individually and at the right time. Professional processing of different data is the key to generating new values, since it is the basis for innovative technologies such as distributed ledger, mobile payments, augmented reality, financial platforms and artificial intelligence.

Big data & analytics is not a necessary evil for banks, but gains a footing for their economic future. The “21st century oil” needs to be discovered, extracted and refined—the value chain will be reforged.

In this zeb.core issue, you will find answers to the most important questions on big data & analytics as well as the latest case study of an established financial services provider in this area.

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zeb is a thought leader in the field of financial services. Please find a selection of our recent publications below.

ein Buch mit einem Bild eines Mannes und einem Teleskop
eine Zeitschrift mit einem Kind am Strand
a stack of magazines with text and images
a stack of books with a fingerprint on it
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