We focus on the strategic goals that financial service providers must pursue in order to achieve sustainable economic success on the market.
Transformationskompetenz entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette
Aktuelle Informationen zu interessanten Veröffentlichungen, Veranstaltungen, Pressemitteilungen, Interviews und mehr von zeb
Wir bei zeb setzen unsere ganze Expertise und Erfahrung dafür ein, dass Finanzdienstleister ihre Schlüsselrolle bei der nachhaltigen Transformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft bestmöglich erfüllen können.
With entrepreneurial spirit, strategic thinking and, above all, the trust of our clients, zeb has established itself as one of the leading strategy, management and IT consultancies for the European financial services industry.
With our support, our clients face the urgent questions and challenges arising from changes in the industry and new regulatory requirements. Together we master the only constant - change. As a “partner for change”, we support financial intermediaries in Europe in their successful transformation.
Mariesa Hofmann