Influences from other industries, changing customer expectations, disruptive technologies... These are just some of the topics that have already affected the financial sector in recent years and will continue to do so in the future. Against this background, Dr. Katrin Lumma, host and initiator of the zeb.great women network, invited women to the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt on November 16 to discuss the current challenges with the “Great Women” and other exciting speakers.
Dr. Manuela Rabener, CMO at Scalable Capital, the largest German robo advisor, is currently revolutionizing asset management. She presented insights into Scalable’s technology and how and why digital tools optimize investment.
Our guest of honor this year was an expert on topics far removed from financial services: Katrin Müller-Hohenstein, sports presenter at ZDF, gave us an exclusive look behind the scenes of the Football World Cup in Russia and reviewed the memorable event for us. Because—just like in the banking sector—here the outsiders were the stars, too.