Working from home and using personal devices

In order to optimally prepare employees of financial services providers for using their own devices in their home office, zeb offers two tried and tested online seminars based on employees’ own experience and regulations. You will be trained by two experienced IT security experts on important home office security topics and coached in their practical application.
In the current situation, many employees of financial services providers work from home and it is not uncommon for employees to use their own devices, such as laptops or smartphones.
However, the security risk is often underestimated. The use of own devices when working from home can lead to considerable security problems due to technical gaps and behavioral uncertainty, for example through
Short-term at all banks with newly introduced / expanded home working policies
Continuation in consulting and training on cyber-crime issues
Technical and organizational conditions at the client’s must be stable enough to allow webinars to take place
Relevance to
Executives and all employees
Contact persons for op. management (e.g. Org/IT, Risk, Compliance)
Organization/coordination via HR