Geno Team für prüfungsnahe Beratung.jpg
zeb Geno Prüfungsnahe Beratung

Cooperative banks – audit-related consulting


As a specialist for process optimization, implementation of regulatory requirements and special inspections, zeb offers tailored and targeted solutions for cooperative banks. 

Durch regulatorische Herausforderungen navigieren 


Die Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement (MaRisk) nehmen stetig an Komplexität zu. Wir bieten spezialisierte Unterstützung bei der individuellen Implementierung und Feinabstimmung dieser Vorgaben für Ihre Bank.

Besonders bei MaRisk-Sonderprüfungen können umfangreiche und schwerwiegende Befunde auftreten, die dringende Maßnahmen erfordern. Wir unterstützen Ihr Institut mit detaillierten Unterlagenprüfungen, Einzelkreditanalysen, Prozessaufnahmen, Interviewtrainings und Mitarbeiterfortbildungen, um eine korrekte Behebung der identifizierten Mängel zu gewährleisten.

Im Bereich der Kreditvergabe wachsen die regulatorischen Herausforderungen kontinuierlich. Viele Kreditprozesse erfordern eine jährliche Überprüfung. Typische Unterstützungsleistungen sind die prüfungssichere Herleitung und Begründung von Grenzen, Bagatellen und Prozessaufstellungen.

Profitieren Sie von unserem umfangreichen Erfahrungsschatz und unseren tiefgehenden Kenntnissen bezüglich der aktuellen Prüfungsthemen und -ergebnisse bei Sonderprüfungen verschiedener Bankengruppen. Unsere unabhängige und transparente Vorbereitung auf bankaufsichtsrechtliche Prüfungen bietet Ihnen Sicherheit und schützt vor möglichen Kapitalzuschlägen oder anderen Sanktionen. Darüber hinaus verfügen wir über umfassende Prozess- und Systemkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe.

“To ensure audit-proof processes, early and regular examination of the latest supervisory requirements is essential.”

Christian Klaus, Senior Manager

What challenges are cooperative banks confronted with?


Rising complexity

The regulatory requirements for banks are constantly increasing in number and complexity.

Regular special inspections

The banking supervisory authority mandates special inspections approximately every 8–12 years. These often entail extensive and sometimes serious findings that require suitable remedial measures and actions.

Key audit areas

Special inspections typically focus on the lending business, risk management and/or IT/BAIT. At the same time, banks may not be aware of risks and potential findings. It should be noted that the Bundesbank carries out much stricter and more detailed inspections than auditors, for example.

Effective rectification

The bank has to remediate any findings quickly, effectively and in high quality in order to successfully pass any follow-up inspections.


Our solutions

Implementation of regulatory requirements pursuant to MaRisk, BAIT and DORA

Gap analyses

Identifying areas of action and facilitations depending on the size of the bank.

Implementation support

Supporting the implementation of the requirements in processes, applications and documentation.

Focus topics

Lending business, integrated performance and risk management as well as IT/BAIT.

Preparation for special inspections pursant to Section 44 KWG (German Banking Act)

Document check

Checking the audit-relevant documents, documentation and work instructions.

Individual loan check

Examination of individual credit exposures using the comparable standard of a Bundesbank inspection.

Process assessment

Conducting target/target and target/actual comparisons as well as workshops on defined inspection areas.

List of findings

Identifying potential findings including recommendations for action based on current focal points of Bundesbank inspections.

Employee training

Training and interview simulations for employees to prepare them for the special inspection and in particular the interviews with the Bundesbank auditors and to raise awareness of the regulatory requirements.

Quality control

Verifying the proper remediation of the findings – carried out by our experienced consultants. 

Remediation of shortcomings

Supporting the operational remediation of audit findings using processes, documentation and technology (e.g. agree21 and VR-Control).

Audit-proof and efficient lending processes

Optimization of lending processes, taking into account regulation, efficiency and technological possibilities in agree21.

Training of employees and support during the change process.

Support with facilitation options, proof of appropriateness and escape clauses from MaRisk.

Range of topics: organizational structure, credit risk strategy, credit approval, credit monitoring, collateral valuation, disclosure and creditworthiness assessment, early risk detection, intensive and problem loan processing, ESG risks and much more.

"Process efficiency and supervisory compliance are two sides of the same coin. It is important that both sides are tailored to the individual bank structure.“


Caroline Klausch, Manager

Our references

Benefits of working with zeb


Objective, transparent and high-quality implementation of supervisory requirements and preparation for a regulatory audit - independent of the audit of the financial statements.

Broad wealth of experience

Benefit from our extensive knowledge of current topics and findings in special audits of the Genossenschaftliche FinanzGruppe.


Proper early detection or rectification of findings and avoidance of capital surcharges or other sanctions. 

Prozess- und Systemkenntnisse

In addition to the regulatory perspective, zeb has extensive experience and knowledge of the processes and banking systems of the co-operative network companies.


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