Cooperative banks – agile transformation
Making your cooperative bank more attractive, future-proof and adaptable through agile transformation
Making your cooperative bank more attractive, future-proof and adaptable through agile transformation
The sphere of activity of cooperative banks is becoming ever more dynamic and increasingly complex.
The big questions of the future speak for themselves:
This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is important to keep developing the core business in line with a clear structure and priorities, while at the same time establishing new approaches and ways of thinking to ensure that changes are identified in good time and the resulting future opportunities can be exploited.
This requires a modern and future-oriented organization, collaboration and culture in which as many employees and executives as possible can proactively and independently manage change, participate autonomously within a given framework and develop overarching solutions (regardless of their assigned organizational unit).
“Agile transformation” is the key.
Top management sets the standard, defines goals, communicates visions and is an ambassador for change. Changes are noticeable at all levels, from the board to individual employees. There are drivers of change across roles, e.g. “cultural guides” who promote the process.
Practical projects in future workshops use innovative methods to build transformative momentum. This transformation is marked by great relevance to everyday life and visible changes.
Top management sets the standard, defines goals, communicates visions and is an ambassador for change. Changes are noticeable at all levels, from the board to individual employees. There are drivers of change across roles, e.g. “cultural guides” who promote the process.
Practical projects in future workshops use innovative methods to build transformative momentum. This transformation is marked by great relevance to everyday life and visible changes.
It’s all about the people! Every organization has its own history, culture and lines of development. Our zeb.culture dynamo helps us not only understand the different cultures, but also the individual needs of the people within the organization. By using these insights, we support them on their transformation path and thereby help them change the organization as a whole.
A good idea alone is not enough to bring about a transformation – our holistic approach, which encompasses four areas, enables us to introduce methods, generate smart ideas for future business, work on people’s attitudes and develop the
culture of your bank!
„Mit der Agile Guide Ausbildung Mitarbeitende befähigen und Methodenwissen in der Organisation verankern“
Diese praxisnahe Ausbildung vermittelt essenzielle Methoden für Agilität und effektives Projektmanagement. Teilnehmende erhalten einen Überblick über die vier wichtigsten agilen Frameworks und entwickeln an mehreren Tagen ihre Fähigkeiten als Coach und Moderator weiter. Interessierte können jetzt starten und aktiv den Wandel in ihrem Unternehmen mitgestalten.
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank – Integration, Arbeitgeberattraktivität und Dynamik durch agile Transformation
Wiesbadener Volksbank – Gemeinsam Gestalten!