Insurance Study 2022

Versicherungsstudie 2022 Deutschland

Through stormy times

The pandemic, climate change, war in Ukraine, inflation – all this has dampened the mood in the insurance industry, too. 

And yet they do exist: companies that grow at an above-average rate – and even manage to be more profitable than the market. We have conducted an in-depth decade-by-decade analysis to identify these companies and find out what you can learn from them.

Inflation and natural disasters pose major challenges for insurers. Excellent and preferably digital claims management is becoming all the more relevant. This is where insurers need to start to reduce costs while at the same time providing customers with a positive experience and meeting their expectations in the event of an emergency. How can they achieve this? We have worked out the five key fields of action and illustrated them using best-practice examples.

Especially in stormy times, it helps to take a sober look at the hard figures. And these are not so bad at all. The pandemic and severe weather have left scratches, but overall, German insurers are well positioned. This is the outcome of our analysis along the criteria of growth, profitability and solvency.

If you want to know how the industry is positioned in these difficult times and what challenges lie ahead, you will find the answers in this study (only available in German).


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