Gesamtüberblick Maßnahmen und Initiativen

Datum Inhalt Quelle Länder
laufend aktualisiert Fachliche Hinweise zu Auswirkungen auf Rechnungslegung und Prüfung
Das IDW hat Fachliche Hinweise veröffentlicht, die sich damit befassen, welche Folgen das Virus auf die Rechnungslegung (HGB/IFRS) hat. Insbesondere der Fachliche Hinweis Teil 2 ist von Bedeutung, da hier die sachgerechte Darstellung der Werthaltigkeit von Finanzinstrumenten in Bezug auf COVID-19-bezogene Ausfallrisiken detailliert adressiert wird.
Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer Deutschland
laufend aktualisiert Policy measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
ESRB offers a regularly updated Excel spreadsheet with information on the policy measures taken by member states, EU institutions and national authorities in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
European Systemic Risk Board Europa
laufend aktualisiert FCA information for firms on coronavirus (Covid-19) response
Our rules give firms the ability to consider their arrangements and customers’ circumstances. We welcome firms reviewing their current arrangements to address the evolving situation while managing the risks to their employees, customers and the impact on the market.
Financial Conduct Authority Vereinigtes Königreich
laufend aktualisiert Current information from BoE
The BoE summarizes its responses to COVID-19
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
laufend aktualisiert FAQ on ECB supervisory measures
Depending on developments ECB answers frequently asked questions regarding its measures in reaction to COVID-19.
European Central Bank Europa
laufend aktualisiert Aktuelle Informationen der BaFin
Die BaFin veröffentlicht laufend neue Informationen zu COVID-19 Maßnahmen der relevanten europäischen Institutionen sowie der BaFin selbst. Darüber hinaus werden häufige Fragen, die im Zusammenhang mit COVID-19 aufkommen, beantwortet.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
laufend aktualisiert Aktuelle Informationen der FMA
Die FMA veröffentlicht laufend neue Informationen zu COVID-19 Maßnahmen der relevanten europäischen Institutionen sowie der FMA selbst
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
11.05.2020 Erweiterung der SNB-COVID-19-Refinanzierungsfazilität um kantonale Garantien und Startup-Solidarbürgschaften
Neu sind auch Forderungen als Sicherheiten zugelassen, die durch kantonale Bürgschaften oder Kreditausfallgarantien gesichert sind, sofern diese zur Abfederung der wirtschaftlichen Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie erlassen wurden. Ebenfalls als Sicherheiten akzeptiert werden zudem Forderungen, die im Rahmen der Startup-Solidarbürgschaften des Bundes in Kooperation mit den Kantonen gesichert sind.
Schweizerische Nationalbank Schweiz
07.05.2020 IAIS facilitates global coordination of financial stability and policyholder protection during COVID-19 crisis
IAIS cautions against initiatives seeking to require insurers to retroactively cover Covid-19 related losses, such as business interruption, that are specifically excluded in existing insurance contracts. Requiring insurers to cover such claims could create material solvency risks and significantly undermine the ability of insurers to pay other types of claims.
International Association of Insurance Supervisors Global
07.05.2020 Statement by the PRA on prioritization in light of COVID-19
This statement sets out further details of the PRA's plans to help firms maintain their safety and soundness and deliver the critical functions they provide to the economy. Re-prioritizations have been agreed upon regarding the following areas of work: climate change, LIBOR transition, insurance stress test 2019 and stressed VAR.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
07.05.2020 Conversion of Pillar 2A capital requirements from RWA percentage to a nominal amount
In response to the economic shock from COVID-19, we are alleviating unwarranted pressure on firms by setting all Pillar 2A requirements as a nominal amount, instead of a percentage of total Risk Weighted Assets (RWAs).
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
07.05.2020 Statement by the BoE and PRA on resolution measures and COVID-19
The BoE and the PRA have announced changes to resolution measures aimed at alleviating operational burdens on PRA-regulated firms in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The Bank has also provided an update for firms on the Minimum Requirement for Own Funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL).
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
06.05.2020 ESMA reminds firms of conduct of business obligations under MiFID II
ESMA is issuing a public statement on the risks for retail investors when trading under the highly uncertain market circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ESMA also reminds investment firms of the key conduct of business obligations under MiFID when providing services to retail investors.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
04.05.2020 IASB proposes deferring IAS 1 amendments’ effective date due to COVID-19
The Board has proposed to defer by one year the effective date of Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-current, which amends IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board is proposing to provide companies with more time to implement any classification changes resulting from the amendments by deferring the effective date by one year to annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023.
International Accounting Standards Board Global
04.05.2020 Statement on credit risk mitigation eligibility and leverage ratio treatment of loans under the Bounce Back Loan scheme (BBLS)
This statement sets out the PRA's observations on the risk-weighted treatment of exposures under the UK Government’s BBLS and a related change to the UK leverage ratio framework.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
04.05.2020 Joint RTS on amendments to the bilateral margin requirements under EMIR
The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA – ESAs), in response to the COVID-19 outbreak have published joint draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) to amend the Delegated Regulation on the risk mitigation techniques for non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives (bilateral margining), under the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), to incorporate a one-year deferral of the two implementation phases of the bilateral margining requirements.
European Banking Authority Europa
04.05.2020 EBA launches additional EU-wide transparency exercise
The EBA launched an additional EU-wide transparency exercise to provide market participants with updated information on the financial conditions of EU banks as of December 31, 2019, prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The EBA expects to publish the results of this exercise at the beginning of June.
European Banking Authority Europa
02.05.2020 Updating the TFSME to reflect HMT’s new Bounce Back Loans Scheme
The BoE announced a change to the Term Funding Scheme with additional incentives for SMEs (TFSME) to support HM Treasury’s Bounce Back Loans Scheme (BBLS).
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
30.04.2020 EIOPA revises its timetable for advice on Solvency II Review until end December 2020
EIOPA, in close coordination with the European Commission, has decided to deliver its advice to the European Commission at end December 2020, to take into account the importance of assessing the impact of the current Covid-19 situation on the Solvency II Review.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
30.04.2020 ECB recalibrates targeted lending operations (TLTRO III) to further support real economy
Interest rate on all TLTRO III reduced by 25 basis points to -0.5% from June 2020 to June 2021. For banks meeting the lending threshold of 0% introduced on 12 March 2020, the interest rate can be as low as -1%.
European Central Bank Europa
30.04.2020 ECB announces new pandemic emergency longer-term refinancing operations (PELTROs)
The PELTROs will be conducted as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment. The operations will be offered at highly accommodative terms. The interest rate will be 25 basis points below the average rate applied in the Eurosystem’s main refinancing operations (currently 0%) over the life of the respective PELTRO.
European Central Bank Europa
30.04.2020 Bonitätsprüfung bei bundesgarantierten Krediten im Rahmen des COVID-19 Hilfspakets
Die FMA hat am 30.4.2020 ein Schreiben an die österreichische Kreditwirtschaft betreffend der Bonitätsprüfung von Kreditinstituten im Zusammenhang mit Garantien des Bundes aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie gerichtet.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
29.04.2020 Schreiben an die WKÖ zu den jüngsten EBA-Veröffentlichungen
Stellungnahme zur Anwendung des aufsichtlichen Rahmens zu gezielten Aspekten im Bereich des Marktrisikos sowie die Stellungnahme zu zusätzlichen Aufsichtsmaßnahmen wegen COVID-19
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
28.04.2020 Bankenpaket der Kommission soll Kreditvergabe an Haushalte und Unternehmen in der EU erleichtern
Es handelt sich um außergewöhnliche temporäre Maßnahmen, mit denen die unmittelbaren Folgen der Coronakrise abgemildert werden sollen. Hierzu zählen die Anpassung des Zeitplans für die Anwendung der Internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards auf das Kapital der Banken, eine günstigere Behandlung von Garantien, die während der Krise gewährt werden, die Verschiebung des Anwendungsbeginns des Puffers bei der Verschuldungsquote und die Änderung der Art und Weise, wie bestimmte Risikopositionen von der Berechnung der Verschuldungsquote ausgenommen werden.
European Commission Europa
27.04.2020 Statement on the regulatory treatment of the UK CBILS and the UK CLBILS
HM Treasury has announced changes to UK Covid-19 business interruption loan schemes.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
24.04.2020 IASB consults on amendment to leases Standard (IFRS 16)
Exposure draft COVID-19-related rent concessions, which proposes an amendment to IFRS 16, is open for public comment until May 8, 2020.
International Accounting Standards Board Global
24.04.2020 Extension of the Contingent Term Repo Facility (CTRF)
The Bank of England announced that it will continue to offer 3-month and 1-month term Contingent Term Repo Facility (CTRF) operations on a weekly basis through May 2020, with the final operation scheduled on May 29.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
22.04.2020 ECB takes steps to mitigate impact of possible rating downgrades on collateral availability
The Governing Council of the ECB today adopted temporary measures to mitigate the effect on collateral availability of possible rating downgrades resulting from the economic fallout from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The decision complements the broader collateral easing package that was announced on April 7, 2020.
European Central Bank Europa
22.04.2020 EBA provides further guidance on the use of flexibility in relation to COVID-19 and calls for heightened attention to risks
Following up on its strategic communications of 12th, 25th, 31st March and 2nd April, the EBA provides further clarity on how additional flexibility will guide supervisory approaches in relation to market risk, the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP), recovery planning, digital operational resilience and ICT risk and securitisation.
European Banking Authority Europa
20.04.2020 Q&A on the usability of liquidity and capital buffers
The PRA published a set of Q&A on the usability of liquidity and capital buffers and their operation as set out in the PRA rules and guidelines and in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
17.04.2020 IASB amends work plan and proposes amendment to IFRS 16
The IASB decided to propose an amendment to the leases Standard, IFRS 16, to help companies account for COVID-19-related rent concessions, such as rent holidays. The proposed amendment will complement the educational materials published on April 10, 2020, to support companies applying the Standard.
International Accounting Standards Board Global
17.04.2020 Application of the APM Guidelines in the context of COVID-19
In its Questions and Answers on Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) guidelines, ESMA has now also commented on how issuers should take into account the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
17.04.2020 Statement on principles to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the occupational pensions sector
EIOPA gave its opinion on the situation of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs) and emphasized the stabilizing role that IORPs can play as an investor with a long-term perspective in the currently unstable markets.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
17.04.2020 Verordnung der EZB über die Verlängerung der Fristen für die Meldung statistischer Daten
Durch COVID-19 wird es gegebenenfalls erforderlich, Fristen für die Meldung bestimmter statistischer Daten für einen bestimmten Zeitraum zu verlängern. Die vorliegende Verordnung legt für die Entscheidung darüber die Grundlage.
European Central Bank Europa
16.04.2020 ECB Banking Supervision provides temporary relief for capital requirements for market risk
ECB announced a temporary reduction in capital requirements for market risk, by allowing banks to adjust the supervisory component of these requirements.
European Central Bank Europa
15.04.2020 LKA NRW bittet Kreditwirtschaft um Prüfung verdächtiger Zahlung
Im Zusammenhang mit Betrugsfällen um gefälschte Internetseiten für Anträge von Corona-Soforthilfen hat das Landeskriminalamt Nordrhein-Westfalen (LKA NRW) die Kreditwirtschaft des Bundeslandes informiert.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
15.04.2020 ESMA issues positive opinions on short selling bans by Austrian FMA, Belgian FSMA, French AMF, Greek HCMC and Spanish CNMV
All five national competent authorities (NCAs) had imposed restrictions in March 2020 which were due to expire in April, and all five decided to renew those restrictions. Following coordination by ESMA, the renewal process has been aligned and the renewal decisions will all be in place until May 18 with the possibility of a further renewal.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
15.04.2020 ECB communication to reporting agents on the collection of statistical information in the context of COVID-19
ECB is determined to continue collecting data of a quality on a timely basis that is fit for purpose, in order to have at its disposal the necessary statistical information to adjust all of its measures,  as appropriate, should this be needed to safeguard liquidity conditions in the banking system and to ensure the smooth transmission of its monetary policy in all jurisdictions.
European Central Bank Europa
15.04.2020 FMA verlängert das Verbot für Leerverkäufe in bestimmten Finanzinstrumenten
Die FMA verlängert das am 18.3.2020 per Verordnung erlassene, zeitlich befristete Verbot von Leerverkäufen bestimmter Finanzinstrumente, die an der Wiener Börse notieren, in abgewandelter Form bis 18. Mai 2020. Während bisher Leerverkäufe bezogen auf jede einzelne Transaktion verboten waren, stellt die geänderte Verordnung nun durchgängig auf Nettoleerverkaufspositionen ab.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
15.04.2020 Beantwortung von Rechtsanfrage zu Sorgfaltspflichten gemäß dem FM-GwG bei Vergabe von staatlichen Förderkrediten
Die FMA bezieht Stellung bezüglich der Sorgfaltspflichten bei der Vergabe von staatlichen Förderkrediten, die im Zusammenhang mit der Ausbreitung des Erregers SARS-CoV-2 geboten sind.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
15.04.2020 FSB publishes report on international cooperation to address the financial stability implications of COVID-19
The report sets out five principles that underpin the official community’s rapid and coordinated response to support the real economy, to maintain financial stability and to minimize the risk of market fragmentation.
Financial Stability Board Global
14.04.2020 Erleichterungen für Beaufsichtigte infolge der COVID-19-Krise
Die FINMA veröffentlicht eine weitere Aufsichtsmitteilung im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise. Die darin festgehaltenen Erleichterungen und Präzisierungen der Aufsichtspraxis betreffen Institute mit einer Bewilligung zur Anwendung des Marktrisiko-Modellansatzes sowie eine Fristerstreckung für Beaufsichtigte bei der Einführung neuer Regeln im Derivatebereich. 
Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht Schweiz
14.04.2020 ECB supports macroprudential policy measures taken in response to coronavirus outbreak
ECB published an overview of the macroprudential measures taken by euro area authorities (including central banks and banking supervisors) in response to the coronavirus outbreak and their impact on banks’ regulatory capital.
European Central Bank Europa
14.04.2020 FSB Chair updates Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on COVID-19 response
The letter highlights the twin challenge that the global financial system must respond to in the face of COVID-19: first, a dramatically increased need for credit throughout the global economy to bridge this period of highly restricted activity. Second, marked uncertainty about the value of a wide range of assets, which greatly complicates the operation of markets and the intermediation of this heightened credit need.
Financial Stability Board Global
10.04.2020 IFRS 16 and COVID-19: accounting for COVID-19-related rent concessions applying IFRS 16 leases
The IASB published a statement regarding the application of IFRS 16 leases to rent concessions granted as a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. IFRS 16 sets out specific requirements for how to account for some changes in lease payments—for example, those arising from changes in an index or rate used to determine lease payments.
International Accounting Standards Board Global
09.04.2020 ESMA extends MiFID II/MiFIR transparency review report consultation to June 14, 2020
ESMA has decided to further extend the response date for the consultation on the MiFID II/MiFIR review report on the transparency regime for non-equity instruments and the trading obligation for derivatives to June 14, 2020
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
09.04.2020 PRA decision on Systemic Risk Buffer rates
In response to the economic shock from COVID-19, the PRA, with the support of the FPC, announced its decision to maintain firms’ Systemic Risk Buffer (SRB) rates at the rate set in December 2019 and will next reassess them in December 2021.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
09.04.2020 EBA Leitlinien zu Zahlungsmoratorien und das österreichische Moratorium gemäß § 2 des 2. COVID-19 JuBG
Die FMA klärt über die wichtigsten Eckpunkte der EBA Leitlinie auf und betont, dass das österreichische Moratorium den Anforderungen der Leitlinien der EBA entspricht.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
09.04.2020 Katalog an Vorschlägen zu Änderungen bei der Aufsichtspraxis der FMA/OeNB
Zwischen FMA und OeNB abgestimmte Antworten auf Fragen der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich zur Aufsichtspraxis der FMA/OeNB iZm COVID-19
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
09.04.2020 The General Board of the ESRB held its 37th regular meeting
The Board decided to focus its attention on five priority areas, specifically: implications for the financial system of guarantee schemes and other fiscal measures to protect the real economy; market illiquidity and implications for asset managers and insurers; impact of procyclical downgrades of bonds on markets and entities across the financial system; system-wide restraints on dividend payments, share buybacks and other payouts; liquidity risks arising from margin calls.
European Systemic Risk Board Europa
09.04.2020 ESMA promotes coordinated action regarding benchmarks external audit requirements
ESMA issued a public statement to promote coordinated action by National Competent Authorities (NCAs) regarding the timeliness of fulfilling external audit requirements for interest rate benchmark administrators and contributors to interest rate benchmarks
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
09.04.2020 ESMA postpones publication dates for annual non-equity transparency calculations and quarterly SI data
ESMA issued a public statement postponing the application of the annual non-equity transparency calculations and the calculations for the systematic internalizer test for derivatives, ETCs, ETNs, emission allowances and structured finance products (SFPs) under MiFID II
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
09.04.2020 Deadlines for the publication of periodic reports by fund managers
ESMA issued a public statement to promote coordinated action by National Competent Authorities (NCAs) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It concerns the obligations of fund managers to publish annual and half yearly reports in respect of funds they manage, in relation to reporting periods ending from December 31, 2019 up to and including April 30, 2020.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
09.04.2020 HM Treasury and BoE announce temporary extension to Ways and Means facility
HM Treasury and BoE have agreed to temporarily extend the use of the government’s long-established Ways and Means (W&M) facility
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
09.04.2020 Trennung der "Markt"- und "Marktfolge"-Funktionen bei spezifischem krisenbedingtem Personalmangel
Die FMA bezieht Stellung bezüglich der Trennung von "Markt"- und "Marktfolge"-Funktionen im Kreditvergabeprozess für Kreditinstitute im Aufsichtsbereich der FMA (LSIs)
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
08.04.2020 IOSCO reprioritizes its work program to address impact of COVID-19
This decision means that the work priorities outlined in IOSCO ́s 2020 annual work program were reconsidered.
International Organization of Securities Commissions Global
08.04.2020 Letter from Credit Union Supervision Team to PRA-regulated credit unions
This letter sets out details of a PRA rule modification available to all credit unions from today’s date until January, 1 2021. It explains the PRA’s supervisory focus and priorities for credit unions in this period of stress and reiterates messages on regulatory reporting.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
08.04.2020 Anfrage zur COVID-19-3-5-Gesetzgebung und der Rechnungslegung im aktuellen Umfeld
Die FMA bezieht zu zentralen Fragen der Anwendung von IFRS 9 im aktuellen Umfeld Stellung
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
08.04.2020 Unterbrechung und Hemmung von Fristen während COVID-19-Maßnahmen
Information über die gesetzlich vorgegebene Unterbrechung und Hemmung von Fristen in Verfahren der FMA während der COVID-19-Maßnahmen
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
07.04.2020 EIOPA extends deadline for stakeholder group applications
EIOPA is currently seeking applications for its two stakeholder groups, the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group and the Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group. EIOPA has decided to extend the deadline for interested stakeholders to submit their application.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
07.04.2020 FINMA veröffentlicht weitere Aufsichtsmitteilung im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise
Mit ihrer Aufsichtsmitteilung 03/2020 gibt die FINMA weitere Erleichterungen im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise bekannt
Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht Schweiz
07.04.2020 ECB announces package of temporary collateral easing measures
The Governing Council of the ECB adopted a package of temporary collateral easing measures to facilitate the availability of eligible collateral for Eurosystem counterparties to participate in liquidity providing operations, such as the targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO-III).
European Central Bank Europa
07.04.2020 Covid-19 Maßnahmen: LSI Sanierungspläne nach BaSAG
Ergänzend zu den sonstigen COVID-19 Maßnahmen wurden von FMA und OeNB Erleichterungen getroffen für die Aktualisierung der LSI Sanierungspläne 2020.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
06.04.2020 TFSME will open for drawings on April 15, 2020
The Bank of England’s Term Funding Scheme with additional incentives for SMEs will open to drawings on April 15, 2020, sooner than previously anticipated.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
03.04.2020 IOSCO statement on application of accounting standards during the COVID-19 outbreak
IOSCO announced that it supported a coordinated approach to the uniform application of IFRS 9 in the COVID-19-crisis.
International Organization of Securities Commissions Global
03.04.2020 Additional measures to alleviate the impact of COVID-19
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision sets out additional measures to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on the global banking system. These measures concern, among others, the expected credit loss accounting, margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives and the global systemically important banks annual assessment.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Global
03.04.2020 Joint FCA and PRA statement on the Senior Managers and Certification Regime
We recognize that firms directly affected by coronavirus will need to keep their governance arrangements under review. Where we can, we intend to provide flexibility to FCA and PRA dual-regulated firms.
Financial Conduct Authority Vereinigtes Königreich
03.04.2020 Einstufung der COFAG als öffentliche Stelle
Risikopositionen gegenüber der COFAG können gemäß Artikel 116 Abs. 4 CRR aufgrund der gesetzlich normierten Ausstattungsverpflichtung des Bundes aus Sicht der FMA wie Risikopositionen gegenüber dem Zentralstaat, sohin mit einem Risikogewicht von 0%, gewichtet werden.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
03.04.2020 Österreichische Versicherungen: Dividenden und Aktienrückkäufe
EIOPA und FMA empfehlen den Versicherungsunternehmen dringend, auf Dividendenausschüttungen sowie Aktienrückkäufe zu verzichten.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
03.04.2020 Marktmissbrauchsverordnung: Aktuelle Situation bei Meldepflichten berücksichtigen
Die BaFin geht davon aus, dass die Meldepflichtigen nach Artikel 16 Absatz 1 und Absatz 2 der Marktmissbrauchsverordnung (Market Abuse Regulation) über geeignete Systeme und Prozesse zur Marktmissbrauchsüberwachung verfügen, um auch unter den geänderten Arbeits- und Rahmenbedingungen verdächtige Aufträge und Geschäfte zu identifizieren und der BaFin zu übermitteln.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
02.04.2020 ESMA provides clarifications for best execution reports under MiFID II
ESMA issued a public statement to clarify issues regarding the publication by execution venues and firms of the general best execution reports required under RTS 27 and 28 of MiFID II, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
02.04.2020 ESMA updates its risk assessment in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
ESMA sees a prolonged period of risk to institutional and retail investors due to market corrections and very high risks across the whole of ESMA’s remit.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
02.04.2020 EIOPA publishes an update on other measures impacted by COVID-19 pandemic
EIOPA summarizes its actions regarding currently open consultations and requests, public consultations in the process of BoS approval and data requests to financial institutions to start in Q1-Q2.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
02.04.2020 FSB regards some on-site functions as systemically essential
These functions include: providing consumer access to cash, electronic payments and other banking and lending services; as appropriate keeping branches and call centers open; processing claims under government support programs; insurance services; risk management; supporting financial operations, such as staffing data and security operations centers; and supporting third-party providers who deliver core services.
Financial Stability Board Global
02.04.2020 EIOPA urges (re)insurers to temporarily suspend all discretionary dividend distributions and share buy backs
This suspension should be reviewed as the financial and economic impact of COVID-19 starts to become clearer. This prudent approach should also be applicable to the variable remuneration policies.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
02.04.2020 BaFin und Bundesbank verschieben den für 2021 geplanten LSI-Stresstest auf das Jahr 2022
Der vorläufige Zeitplan einschließlich des für Herbst 2020 geplanten Probelaufs wird um ein Jahr nach hinten gesetzt.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
02.04.2020 EBA publishes guidelines on treatment of public and private moratoria
Following the publication of its statement on the application of the prudential framework regarding default, forbearance and IFRS9 in light of COVID-19 measures, the EBA published more detailed guidance on the criteria to be fulfilled by legislative and non-legislative moratoria applied before June 30, 2020.
European Banking Authority Europa
01.04.2020 Call to action for insurers and intermediaries to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on consumers
Among other things, EIOPA asks insurers and intermediaries to provide clear and timely information to consumers on contractual rights, treat consumers fairly, inform consumers about contingency measures and to continue applying product oversight and governance requirements.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
31.03.2020 Antizyklischer Kapitalpuffer: Allgemeinverfügung zur Absenkung der Pufferquote auf 0 Prozent
Die BaFin hat eine Allgemeinverfügung zur Quote für den inländischen antizyklischen Kapitalpuffer erlassen. Sie senkt zum 1. April 2020 die Quote von 0,25 Prozent auf 0 Prozent.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
31.03.2020 Befristete Erleichterungen für Banken
Die FINMA gibt den Banken Präzisierungen zur Behandlung der bundesgarantierten COVID-19-Kredite im Rahmen der Eigenmittel- und Liquiditätsvorschriften, zu befristeten Erleichterungen bei der Leverage Ratio und bei den Risikoverteilungsvorschriften. Ferner informiert die FINMA zum Expected-Credit-Loss-Ansatz nach IFRS 9 und dessen Anwendung im Kontext der COVID-19-Krise.
Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht Schweiz
31.03.2020 EBA provides additional clarity on measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the EU banking sector
The EBA urges for one-month flexibility for reports with remittance dates between March and the end of May 2020. The EBA also called for flexibility in assessing deadlines of institutions' Pillar 3 disclosures. Furthermore, the EBA decided, in coordination with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, to cancel the Quantitative Impact Study based on June 2020 data.
European Banking Authority Europa
30.03.2020 Extension of the Contingent Term Repo Facility (CTRF)
3-month term CTRF operations will continue to run weekly until April 30. In addition, beginning this week there will also be a 1-month term CTRF operation each week, with the final operation scheduled on May 1.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
30.03.2020 Information über Fristen in Verfahren der FMA während der COVID-19-Maßnahmen
Seit 22. März 2020 gilt für Fristen in anhängigen Verfahren der Verwaltungsbehörden, auf die das AVG, das VStG und das VVG anzuwenden sind, Folgendes: Die Fristen werden bis zum Ablauf des 30. April 2020 unterbrochen. Auf das Verfahren beim BVwG ist diese Bestimmung sinngemäß anzuwenden.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
30.03.2020 ESMA extends deadline for stakeholder group applications
The ESMA is currently seeking applicants for its Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group and is extending the deadline for applications to April 9.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
27.03.2020 IFRS 9 and COVID-19
Accounting for expected credit losses applying IFRS 9 Financial Instruments in the light of current uncertainty resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
International Accounting Standards Board Global
27.03.2020 Empfehlung der FMA zu Dividendenausschüttungen und Anteilsrückkäufen während der COVID-19 Pandemie
Die FMA greift die Empfehlung, der EZB/SSM vom 27.03.2020 (ECB/2020/19) zu Dividendenausschüttungen und Anteilsrückkäufen während der COVID-19 Pandemie auf und wendet sie im Rahmen ihrer Aufsicht über weniger bedeutende Institute (LSI) an.
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
27.03.2020 EIOPA publishes extraordinary information for Solvency II
The EIOPA will carry out extraordinary calculations on a weekly basis to monitor the evolution of the relevant risk-free interest rate term structures (RFR) and the symmetric adjustment to equity risk (EDA).
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
27.03.2020 ESMA confirms application date of equity transparency calculations
The ESMA has decided to keep the date of application of the transparency calculations for equity instruments of April 1, 2020 unchanged.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
27.03.2020 ESMA issues guidance on financial reporting deadlines
The ESMA issued a public statement that national competent authorities should temporarily apply forbearance powers towards issuers who need to delay publication of financial reports beyond the statutory deadline.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
27.03.2020 IAIS extends deadline for data collection on Insurance Capital Standard (ICS)
The IAIS will review the 2020 timelines for the implementation of the Holistic Framework for the mitigation of systemic risk in the global insurance sector and will review and adjust the timelines for the data collection for the ICS confidential reporting in 2020, as well as the Aggregation Method data collection.
International Association of Insurance Supervisors Global
27.03.2020 ECB asks banks not to pay dividends until at least October 2020
The ECB asks banks not to pay dividends or buy back shares during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendation concerns dividends for 2019 and 2020. Instead, the ECB expects banks to keep funding households, small businesses and corporations.
European Central Bank Europa
27.03.2020 Deferral of Basel III implementation
The Basel Committee's oversight body (Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervisions) endorsed a change in the implementation timeline of outstanding Basel III standards. This concerns the leverage ratio framework, G-SIB buffer, standardized and IRB approach for credit risk, the operational and market risk framework, the CVA and revised Pillar 3 disclosure framework as well as the output floor.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Global
26.03.2020 ESMA clarifies position on SFTR backloading
The ESMA issued a revised public statement regarding the postponement of the reporting obligations related to securities financing transactions under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) and under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR).
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
25.03.2020 ESMA issues guidance on accounting implications of COVID-19
The ESMA has issued a public statement on some accounting implications (e.g. calculation of expected credit losses in accordance with IFRS 9) of the economic support and relief measures adopted by EU Member States in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. 
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
25.03.2020 FINMA gewährt Ausnahme bei der Leverage Ratio Berechnung
Die FINMA gestattet Banken vorübergehend, die Leverage Ratio ohne Zentralbankenguthaben zu berechnen. Die Maßnahme gilt vorerst bis zum 01.07.2020.
Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht Schweiz
25.03.2020 SNB schafft SNB-COVID-19-Refinanzierungsfazilität (CRF)
Die CRF ist beitragsmäßig unlimitiert, und Bezüge können jederzeit getätigt werden. Darüberhinaus stellt die SNB einen Antrag auf Deaktivierung des antizyklischen Kapitalpuffers.
Schweizerische Nationalbank Schweiz
25.03.2020 EBA provides clarity regarding COVID-19 measures
The EBA explains aspects on the functioning of the prudential framework in relation to the classification of loans in default, the identification of forborne exposures, and their accounting treatment. The EBA also reminds financial institutions of their consumer protection obligations, temporarily lifts some reporting obligations and calls on payment service providers to raise their contactless payment thresholds to the legal limit.
European Banking Authority Europa
25.03.2020 ECB Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme
The ECB published a new announcement regarding its PEPP stating that there is no upper limit for asset purchases
European Central Bank Europa
24.03.2020 BoE launches Contingent Term Repo Facility
In response to financial market conditions the BoE is activating the CTRF—a temporary enhancement to its sterling liquidity insurance facilities.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
23.03.2020 COVID-19 regulatory reporting amendments for UK insurers
The BoE outlines the PRA's approach to regulatory reporting for UK insurers in response to COVID-19 and EIOPA's recommendations
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
20.03.2020 ESMA sets out approach on MIFIR tick-size regime for systematic internalizers
The ESMA issued a public statement to ensure coordinated supervisory actions by national competent authorities on the application of the new tick-size regime under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) and the Investment Firms Regulation (IFR).
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
20.03.2020 BoE announces supervisory and prudential policy measures
Among others, the Bank's 2020 annual stress test is canceled, the biennial exploratory scenario timetable is amended and the joint Bank / Financial Conduct Authority survey into open-ended funds is postponed.
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich
20.03.2020 EIOPA extends reporting deadlines
The EIOPA has published recommendations on supervisory flexibility regarding the deadline of supervisory reporting and public disclosure by insurance and reinsurance undertakings
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority Europa
20.03.2020 Basel Committee suspends consultations
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is suspending consultation on all policy initiatives and postponing all outstanding jurisdictional assessments planned in 2020 under its Regulatory Consistency Assessment Programme. 
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Global
20.03.2020 ESMA consultations postponed by four weeks
EU’s securities markets regulator has decided to extend the response date for all ongoing consultations with a closing date on or after March 16 by four weeks.
European Securities and Markets Authority Europa
19.03.2020 Fristverlängerung bei Meldepflichten und Abwicklungsplanungen
Die FMA verdoppelt bisherige Rücklauffristen der SREP Fragebögen von sechs auf zwölf Wochen, verlängert die Frist zur Beantwortung der Tilgungsträgerumfrage auf den 30.06.2020 und die auf Mitte März 2020 anvisierten Verfahren (inkl. Informationseinholungen) zur MREL-Festsetzung werden bis auf weiteres nicht eingeleitet
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
18.03.2020 Verbot von Leerverkäufen
Die FMA erlässt per Verordnung ein Verbot für Leerverkäufe in bestimmten Finanzinstrumenten, die an der Wiener Börse notieren
Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Österreich
18.03.2020 Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)
The ECB announces a new temporary asset purchase programme of private and public sector securities amounting to EUR 750 bn. Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 including all asset purchase programme (APP) eligible asset categories.
European Central Bank Europa
12.03.2020 Operationelle Entlastungen auch für LSIs
EZB beschließt mit BaFin und weiteren nationalen Aufsichtsbehörden Entlastungen für Banken - die BaFin wird die beschlossenen Entlastungen der EZB auch bei der Aufsicht über die weniger bedeutenden Institute (LSI) anwenden.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht Deutschland
12.03.2020 EU-wide stress test postponed
The EBA has decided to postpone the EU-wide stress test exercise to 2021. For 2020, the EBA will carry out an additional EU-wide transparency exercise in order to provide updated information on banks’ exposures and asset quality to market participants.
European Banking Authority Europa
12.03.2020 Easing of conditions for targeted longer-term refinancing operations (TLTRO III)
The ECB decided on more favourable operations to support bank lending, in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises. Among other measures, TLTRO III interest rates are reduced by 25 basis points during the period from June 2020 to June 2021.
European Central Bank Europa
12.03.2020 Temporary capital and operational relief
The ECB will allow banks to operate temporarily below the level of capital defined by the Pillar 2 Guidance (P2G), the capital conservation buffer (CCB) and the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR). ECB also considers enhancement via the appropriate relaxation of the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) by national macroprudential authorities. Banks will also be allowed to partially use capital instruments that do not qualify as Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital to meet the Pillar 2 Requirements (P2R).
European Central Bank Europa
11.03.2020 BoE: Term Funding Scheme with additional incentives for SMEs (TFSME)
The TFSME is designed to provide participants with a cost-effective source of funding to support additional lending to the real economy and to ensure that businesses and households benefit from reductions in the Bank Rate
Bank of England Vereinigtes Königreich