Our consulting services for customers in the specialists and tech companies sector

Of course, every company and every institution faces its own challenges in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation. Their strategies must therefore be tailored to their individual needs. We have been active as acknowledged consultants in the financial services sector for around 25 years. We therefore know the requirements of the various providers along the entire value chain.
Read on to find solutions from zeb.


The European payment landscape is following a two-fold development: concentration of payment processing with few and dispersion of the payment customer interface with a number of financial and non-financial industry players.

We have helped European incumbents and challengers as well as regulators and investors shape their strategic payment agenda. Our team has a deep knowledge of the payment industry on a strategy, process, and technology level enabling us to provide turnkey solutions. More insights on zeb

Embedded finance

A new era of financial products woven into non-bank offerings is just beginning. Technology improvements and regulation is helping these innovations gain currency. This is ushering in a new era of embedded financial services and encouraging new competitors to enter the market. New players are accelerating the innovation cycle.

Banks should prepare for stiff competition from tech start-ups and e-commerce companies that are gaining a foothold in – and learning from – a nascent embedded consumer-credit market. They can do this by leveraging existing strengths. More insights on zeb

Consumer credit

Consumer credit institutions play a vital role in the economy by enabling consumers to access funds for consumption, investment, and emergency needs. Consumer credit faces several challenges in the current market, such as regulatory compliance, cybersecurity, customer retention, and innovation.

We help our clients in succeeding in the consumer credit business, by leading them toward the adoption of a customer-centric approach, leveraging data and technology, and offering personalized and convenient solutions. More insights on zeb

Factoring and Leasing

Factoring and leasing solutions are becoming increasingly popular as they enable business clients with the possibility of accounting flows with the aim of obtaining better. More insights on zeb

ESG implementation
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