Working Paper ELTIF 2.0

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ELTIF - the Next Best-selling Fund Product? 


The not-so-new “ELTIF” distribution label is getting a new boost from the March 2023 amendment of the corresponding regulation. Particularly in light of the current uncertain interest rate environment, ELTIFs could become a suitable form of investment offering stable returns. 

In particular, the new ELTIF rules include more flexible investment options, remove previous distribution barriers for retail investors and allow for investments in infrastructure, renewable energy, private debt and private equity. GSK Stockmann and zeb are taking a shared look at the changes to the ELTIF Regulation from a legal and business perspective to identify the resulting implications for investors and product manufacturers.

Read more about regulatory requirements, design options within the framework of the investment strategy, success factors for the launch and action measures for the launch of an ELTIF product offering.

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