Process management study 2020


No luxury, but indispensable in the future!

What is the status quo of medium-sized banks in Germany regarding process management? In order to answer this question, zeb conducted its first survey on process management in medium-sized banks in 2019. The results are based on the responses of over 50 medium-sized banks in Germany (cooperative banks, savings banks and specialized institutions).

The zeb survey shows that although the objectives are clearly defined, the implementation does not always go without a hitch. It is therefore not surprising that one third of the surveyed institutions are dissatisfied with the development status of their process management. There is a significant need for action, especially in the digitalization and automation of processes. A well-developed process management is the foundation for new technologies such as RPA and AI.

These two factors will have a major impact on both process management and employees in the future. Also in light of persistently low interest rates, every bank should seize the opportunity to set up its process management in a professional manner in order to exploit efficiency potentials, reduce costs and be prepared for the future.

The publication is only available in German.


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