Today, CFOs, CROs and chief compliance officers of major banks and insurance companies are facing complex challenges, such as:
- Staying on top of the regulatory agenda in terms of understanding upcoming initiatives, simulation of regulatory impacts and management of a highly complex change portfolio
- Ensuring the effective management and allocation of scarce capital, balance sheet and liquidity resources
- Sound measurement and effective management of credit, market, liquidity and operational risks, as well as new risk types, such as cyber-risk
- Balancing cost pressure and increasing external/internal requirements to the CFO/CRO function through improved target operating models and employing new technologies
- Comprehensive coverage of the CRO and CFO agenda
Our Finance & Risk (F&R) practices advise financial services institutions within all fields of the F&R organization, covering risk control, compliance, financial control, accounting, regulatory reporting, treasury and data management.
More than 400 F&R consultants and 30 dedicated F&R researchers provide services in the following areas:
Risk control & methodology
- Risk appetite, risk strategy and risk governance
- Comprehensive risk methods: stress testing/scenario analysis and ICAAP/ILAAP
- Risk measurement: credit, counterparty, market, liquidity and non-financial risk
- Risk reporting, limit-setting and early-warning systems
- Credit portfolio management, credit pricing and advisory of capital transactions
- Risk target operating model design
- Know-your-customer
- Customer protection
- Anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorist-financing
- Compliance target operating model design (control framework and efficient processes)
- License applications/ permits and advisory services in continental Europe
Financial control & strategic planning
- Integrated financial resource management
- Balance sheet modeling and management
- Management accounting and performance control
- Strategic planning and budgeting: process design and solutions
- Cost accounting and cost management
- Reporting solutions
- Product/client analytics and funds-transfer pricing methodology
- Finance target operating model design
Financial accounting
- Implementation of new requirements/standards (IFRS9, prudent valuation, FINREP)
- Hedge accounting
- Fair value calculation for financial instruments
- Multi-GAAP
Regulatory reporting
- Regulatory monitoring & quantitative impact studies (QIS)
- Design and implementation of regulatory reporting requirements (CoRep, FinRep, EU directives)
- Supervisory relations & reviews (preparation and support of supervisory audits/assessments)
Treasury & ALM
- Treasury strategy and mandate
- Banking book and NII management
- Liquidity management and optimal funding strategy
- Investment management & asset allocation
- Treasury solutions (zeb.control and/or third-party solutions)
- Treasury target operating model design
Data strategy and data quality management
- Business information modeling and data warehousing
- Data quality management and data governance
- Implementation of BCBS #239 requirements and D2-readiness
- Big data analytics and monetization
F&R information services
- Monitoring of regulatory initiatives and maintenance of zeb’s regulatory EU radar
- Benchmarking of peer group performance/risk indicators and headcount
- Outside-in scenario analysis and impact analysis
- Publications and studies